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Old 09-20-2008, 07:48 PM
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dougz dougz is offline
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Location: BC, Canada
Posts: 363

Sept 20/08

Ok, met with the trainer today.


neck: 16.5
upper chest: 44
chest: 42.5
arm: 14
Ribs: 40.0
waist: 37.75
hips: 43
thigh: 25.5
calf: 16

Age: 34Height: 6'3"Weight: 210 Body fat: 21.8%

Excuse the underwear (nice of her to NOT point that out?).

Forgot to get a shot of the back..

Dunno if I overcompensated with the side profile..

I wanted it to be a natural, true representation (no sucking in of the gut)..

But maybe that pose IS a bit off.. Dunno..

I DO have most if not all of my fat in my gut and chin..

Caliper measurements:

tricep - 9.5, bicep - 7.5 back - 16.0 ab - 18.6

We then talked about nutrition..


It's good to have a varying caloric intake from day to day (2850 one day, 3000 the next, 3200 after that, 2800 after that, etc) as opposed to the same number day in, day out...

Keeps the body from getting used to it.

If this is true, would the caloric difference between a day off and a training day, where I am adding the before and after WO shakes be good enough?

Say 2900 on days off, 3200 on days on?

Talked about cardio:

Basically do HI cardio on days off, with a LI long run on the weekends..



With the squats she suggested I point my toes more forward (without getting the knees going together to get the quads more involved and lessen pain in the groin..

Also we noticed I'm having trouble keeping the weight on my heels..

Bringing the weight too far forward?

Lemme know what you think..


Bench felt good..
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