Thread: Goals
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Old 06-08-2005, 08:13 AM
joeyboy777 joeyboy777 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 213

Nice start man. You may want to add in things you can do about it/ ways you will meet your goals. These will be things like,

LONG TERM GOALS - solid 225 lbs, 10% bf.
Strength is also a huge factor to me, so I would like to push all my wieghts up, benching double my body wieght is where i want to be.
Bench 450 :eek: (I wish I could)

SHORT TERM GOALS (be very specific) - 210lbs by october.

PAYOFFS and BENEFITS - getting up in the morning and liking what I see in the mirror. I dont give a shit about anyone else, my goals are for me ya know. True

ACTION PLAN - stick to my ckd and workout schedual till i'm down to 210 or so. from there use daves clean bulking 101, and some 'supps' to pack on 10 lbs of solid muscle around november. placing me between 220 and 225.

Add in some - Additional goals - things you can do These can be things you do each week/day to make sure you stay on your game.
1. work out 3-4 times a week and stretch at each workout
2. Cardio 3 times a week for 30min - 1hr
3. Eat vegies 1-2 times per day.

Good luck man. Ill be posting my progress soon. Im coming up to many of my original goals, and will start to bulk by next month.
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