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Old 10-08-2008, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Andrew.cook View Post
To offer an alternate point of view, I rarely take any time off, even when sick. It drives my wife nuts because she subscribes to the whole "you will prolong your sickness" camp, but I just don't find that to be true. People get colds, not a lot you can do about it. Allergies are another "sickness" that there is hardly a way to train around. So assuming that I'm not vomiting or losing body parts I think it is all up to personal preference as to whether you hit the gym or not. Aside from feeling under the weather I rarely experience any real loss of performance during a cold. For instance, I had a cold the past two weeks and I still managed to get out and put in 2-4 miles of running a day at a good pace, plus other work. If anything I actually felt better after having done so.

I will also say that I work out in my home gym and don't have those social concerns about whether I may infect someone else.
I totally agree. I have some of the most brutal allergies of anyone I have ever seen. Kenalog shots are bad for you but without them I am not even functional for several months out of the year and the Kenolog just cuts the edge off of it. I train around it, there's nothing that can be done. Same thing with a cold.

And my wife thinks the same way.
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