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Old 10-28-2008, 09:58 AM
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pimpsticky pimpsticky is offline
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Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 199
Default By the way...

Here's the 5x5 I'm doing:

Olympic Squats 5x5 (same weight)
Benching 5x5 (flat, close grip or regular)(same weight)
JS Rows 5x5 (same weight)
Accessory (low volume triceps and abs)

Olympic Squats 5x5 (reduced 15-20% from Monday) or Front Squats
Standing Military Press 5x5 (same weight)
Deadlifts 5x5 (same weight) (if you pull 2.5x bodyweight do 3x5)
Pull ups 5x5 (use weight if you need it)
Accessory (biceps and abs)

Olympic Squats 5x5 (working up each set)
Benching 5x5 (flat or incline)(same weight)
Rows 5x5 (same weight)
Accessory (low volume triceps and abs)
Every day God gives me, is an opportunity to take another step closer to my spriritual, personal and professional goals. I will use today so that tomorrow... next week... next year, I may look back and be proud of the choices I made, the people I've touched and the goals I've accomplished.

-My Personal Mission Statement
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