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Old 02-07-2009, 04:13 PM
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dougz dougz is offline
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Posts: 363

Where is your grip in relation to the rings on the bar?
On the deadlift, or the bench?

You're getting your hips through very late.
That's not the better part, I assuming..

what happens if you just straighten out your knees a bit in your starting position...and then move your torso forward to get your scap over the bar.
I'll try and get a video of me doing that..

your butt is barely lowering at all when you're puttng the weight back down
Too do that I'd have to bend my knees. wouldn't I? And I thought I wasn't supposed to bend them till the bar was past my knees..

i would say not to increase the weight anymore until you get these form issues taken care of or you could be at risk for serious lower back injury.
K, I'll keep it at 135..
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