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Old 02-15-2009, 01:17 PM
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Kinryoku Kinryoku is offline
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yeah Mike's thoughts were interesting but ultimately he was way off base on the whole damn thing.
You are probably right but I need to see it by myself. I chose to test everything even if it means long period of stagnation/regression.

Didn't you have a journal on this very same thing? Do you really think that you can progress doing ONE rep a week?
Yes I have. In fact I already made progress in 2007 with One Rep per exercise (I trained several times per week) but finaly overtrained (due to my to high frequency) it's why this time I want to try a lower frequency and eventualy a super low frequency if needed as advocated by Mentzer.

BTW I do a Single at 95-100% of the 1RM, excepted on curl where I'll train one arm with 100% and the other arm with 95% ~2RM for only 1 rep. I'm not advocating this to anyone but if you are interested you can take a look in my journal. In 6-10 weeks we should already have an idea if it works or not.
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