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Old 02-16-2009, 06:25 AM
Riddick2112 Riddick2112 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: vermont
Posts: 235

personally i dont see how a difference of 10 kilos on the deadlift for ONE rep is going to make or break your recovery ability. working at 80-90% of your 1RM is a pefectly adequate level for progression IF you are using the proper volume and frequency. your workload is ridiculously low so no shit you're gonna lose strength! this is a HUGE flaw in HD in that yeah there IS progression but its ass backwards, start out with a bigger workload and progress to a smaller one by reducing volome and frequency to the point of spending 9 out of 10 days sitting on your ass! my old buddy Jeffo used to like to say "Your body becomes it's function" and that is an axiom to live by! train it with 1-3 reps a week and soon enough that is all you'll be capable of doing, add more rest days and guess what? yup, your body will follow suit and the law of diminshing returns will creep up on you and before you know it ANY level of work will "overtrain" you simply because your level of conditioning is so low.
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