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Old 02-23-2009, 08:55 PM
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dougz dougz is offline
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Location: BC, Canada
Posts: 363

If you look at my journal you'll see I did do some chin-ups with a 10lbs weight for a while..

But stopped after I went from 210 to 230lbs after being on Creatine for a couple months.. At least, I THINK it was the Creatine and water retention that was responsible.. Bad diet might have been to blame as well.. Got off the Creatine just in case, and smartened up on the diet (it was Christmas LOL), but weight has stayed around the same.. The body trying to maintain an equilibrium, perhaps? I should see where my body fat is at..

But I digress..

So I was in effect already lifting an extra 20lbs from a month or so before.. LOL

But yeah, maybe I will go back to doing that..
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