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Old 02-27-2009, 08:32 PM
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dougz dougz is offline
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you're not going to learn anything useful in Arnolds book and if i'm any judge, it's gonna confuse the fuck out of you because it is just about as opposite as one can get from the stuff you read in SS!!!
I'm fearing this, and by no means will I be abandoning the SS method after reading it..

But I want to understand what that guy was talking about when he told me that more sets less reps is better than going to exhaustion on every set..

If nothing else, it will be nostalgic.. I remember this book from when I was a teenager.. Though I imagine this new edition will look quite different..

what would lead you to conclude that one wouldnt want to be properly warmed up for deads, one of the hardest and most taxing movements??????????? yes yes yes re-read SS!!!!!!
I was a bit disappointed that there was very little on programming in the book..

What I did remember (there's alot to take in, and I've read it twice!) about DL's and programing was that BECAUSE it is so taxing, you didn't want to do more than 1 working set (yes, my fault, I got warm-up sets and working sets mixed up)..

The only reason I did 2 sets of the 185 was because I thought it was so relatively light, and I wasn't really exhausting myself..

I'll take the SS book apart every opportunity I can from now on (few and far between for me right now, unfortunately, but there's no excuses!!).
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