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Old 02-28-2009, 06:49 AM
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Kinryoku Kinryoku is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 100

The Arm which was trained at 100% once a week overtrained. After 4 consecutive workouts of progression I couldn't make progress I even lost strength. Same thing on OHP which was also trained at 100%. So I decided to skip Deadlift for this week. I'll restart at 95% next week. Even with 8 days between workouts was not enough to recover. Training at 100% is really too much and cannot be done on a regular basis. I would have to train once every 12-15 days to recover and I'm not even sure it would be enough.

The only exercises on which I made progress is the Right Arm which is trained at 95%. I tested my 1RM and I made progress. What'll do now is:


Deadlift : 1x95%
OHP : 1x95%
Curl Right Arm : 1x95%

Curl Left Arm : 1x95%

I want to see if I can make better progress with 2 workouts per week compared to one or if I'll overtrain. I won't test 100% once every 2 weeks... it doesn't make sense. It's one of the reason of why I gave up with Heavy duty. The Stress is too High (failure) and the Frequency must be EXTREMLY low to recover.

In 2 months I'll test again my 1RM on Curl to see which arm made the most progress !
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