Thread: bulk?
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Old 03-04-2009, 11:50 AM
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I really struggle to put on weight and haven't really ever tried altering my diet significantly. Am i going to have to eat more calories to make up for how active i am? And this may seem like a stupid question so apologies but once i say put on 5-10kg, how hard is it to maintain?
You basically answered your own question, you have a hard time putting on weight because you are pretty active and thus expend a lot of calories. If you want to put on more muscle mass you are either going to have to increase your caloric intake (eat more food) or significantly cut back on your exercise so you are not expending as many calories.

Try to get a good idea of you current caloric intake and then add a couple hundred calories to daily intake. If your still not growing try adding a little more, the trick is making small caloric adjustments until you reach the level where you are making progress.
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