Thread: can't do squats
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Old 03-30-2009, 11:10 AM
DepthCharge DepthCharge is offline
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Default can't do squats

My legs are quite strong. I wish my upper body was as strong as my lower half. I think it's from years of being really overweight, honestly.

But I just can't really get parallel or lower without feeling like I'm going to fall over backwards. When I do a bodyweight squat, I can go lower than parallel but my feet are pointing out towards 10 and 2 o' clock and when I push up, the weight isn't going on my heels, because I just can't center the weight there. The weight is at best evenly distributed across the whole foot, but probably tilted more towards the ball of my foot.

Am I correct in assuming this is bad form?

I am pretty concerned about this, because as a novice lifter I can easily squat 200 lbs or so, but I dont know if have the proper form to feel comfortable with doing that much.

I've heard it can be tight hamstrings, but I'm not sure how much sense that makes, since if I lift my heels off the floor doing a bodyweight squat I can go down and hit my heels with my glutes, no problem.

There's some issue here that's causing me to be unable to balance at the bottom of the squat, adn I dont know what it is, and waht I've been doing is just going down as far as i can without taking the weight off my heel, but as complicated as squats are when you''re straining to pump out the reps, it's hard to really focus on that sometimes. But as long as i do that, I can get parallel or at least very close and I feel like my form is fairly good, but if I go too low it's all over.
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