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Old 04-24-2009, 11:48 AM
el_dinero el_dinero is offline
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 9

Most research on Creatine Monohydrate tends to agree on no more than 5g 4x/day.

Personally, I take it either pre-workout or post-workout to avoid soreness and don't bother the rest of the time. (Added bonus- jar lasts 4x longer!)

Part of the sport is learning your own body. There is an infamous anecdote about Bruce Lee wherein his senior pupils discovered a 'secret morning beverage' which the Teacher drank religiously every morning.

So, the senior students all drank the 'secret recipe' like the Teacher. It is reputed to have consisted of tomato juice, celery, Worcestershire sauce and large quantities of salt.

Within 3 months, the Teacher was confused while visiting his senior students in Hospital, until one confessed to the surveillance.

Master Lee was reported to say something along the lines of, "You are all stupid. MY diet is only for ME. There are NO shortcuts to Mastery!"

**Master Lee suffered from hypotension, or low blood pressure. The 'secret recipe' was a dietary prescription to RAISE his blood pressure.**

You have to experiment and learn what works for you. We are here to share what works for us and provide ideas for others to try. None of us have ALL of the answers.
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