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Old 04-29-2009, 06:40 PM
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iron_worker iron_worker is offline
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Wednesday April 29th/2009

bodyweight squats 2x5
squats with bar x 5
135lb x 5
185lb x 5
225lb x 3
255lb x 3
285lb x 3
315lb x 3
325lb x 3
335lb x 3

Well I didn't have a real olympic pad, just a little 3/4" rubber mat so I had to be much more gentle on the decents. I tried a belt out today for the first time... worked pretty slick.

Push Press
bar x 5
95lb x 5
115lb x 5
135lb x 3
155lb x 2
175lb x 1

I probably could have gone a little higher or a little more reps with this but I felt I had no safety and didn't want to have to ditch it onto the floor from head height. lol

Strict M.Press
135lb x 7, 4

Really happy about the 7 reps. I think thats the best I've done for reps and it was after the push press! I think the push press got me fired up just right.

Pull Ups - 5:00 mins
bw x 5,4,3,3,2,2
Total - 19

This density training is tough! Kinda weak but its somewhere to start.

BB Curls
55lb x 12
65lb x 10
75lb x 7
65lb x 9
55lb x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Slow Decent
bw 2x5

I don't think there is a bar high enough to do proper leg raises at this gym so I had to improvise. It was tough anyways. I was burnt by this point so I called it quits.


Felt great to get back into the gym and do something active again. I've lost strength in some places I think but it should come back quickly I think.

I'm at a bit of a cross roads, however... Summer is coming up and I'm feeling like I should be leaning out. I'm at ~16% and ~190lb. I'll be doing lots of lake time and camping and whatnot this summer so I kinda want to look good... but on the other hand I just want to say F that and eat like horse and get bigger/stronger all summer...fall...winter...etc. So I dunno, I could lean out for 4-6 weeks then maintain for summer then bulk. OR I could just go ahead and bulk up and try not to go much about 16% or whatever I'm at now. I'm all ears for anyone who wants to throw in any facts or pure oppinion.

On that note, I also need to get back on a good program. I'll be hitting the gym 3days (likely MWF) and after I lean out (or not) I want to hit something that will have good strength gains as well as size... something like maybe Wolfie is doing. I dunno yet. I'm also thinking of maybe hitting the gym 2 days a week and setting up a bit of a strong man course in my backyard here now that i have room...

So many thoughts! Sorry for the huge thread but I've been gone so long and thinking so much about the gym I just had to get it out. I look forward to any of your oppinions.

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