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Old 06-23-2009, 03:32 PM
Riddick2112 Riddick2112 is offline
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Posts: 235

i agree with Ross on that one, 3 days in a row of all those exercises will probably end up being counterproductive pretty quick.
i'd ditch the extensions, curls and shrugs and add in chins (perhaps alternated with dips) and deads but only do the deads once a week and only 1 or 2 working sets.
i'd also not work heavy/low reps on all those movements either. maybe do 3 sets of 5's for squats, bench and rows and 2-3 sets of 8, 10 or even 12 on the chins, dips and OH presses. keep the deads to sets of 5 though. just my $.02
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