Thread: Weight Gaining?
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Old 07-05-2005, 08:46 PM
Eddie0206 Eddie0206 is offline
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Default Weight Gaining?

I have been lifting 5 days a week for a month and a half and maybe have gained 2 or 3 pounds. I have been eating so much more and so much healthier food since I began lifting again. I mean I am able to lift a lot more than I used to but I lack the size.

Weigh - 123

2 Teaspoons of Trac (Powder)

Eating roughly 100 - 130 grams of protein every day.

Sets - 2 or 3

Reps - 8, 6, 4

45min - 1hour work out

I have been considering buying a jug of weight gainer but I'm not sure if it will show me results. I wanna put lot's of weight on and so far what I am doing really hasn't paied off.
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