Which steroids
Hey guys, im new on the forum and would like your advice on what steroid to start using. Im 6'0 tall weigh 185 im 20 years old and work out maybe 4 hrs a week(arms and chest). I dont use any supplements at the moment only work out every other day with bench press and dumbells. Im a pretty lean guy(no fat) and would like to gain muscle and look pretty cut up. I would like to get up to 210-215 pounds. I dont know jack squat about steroids but i know i want to be bigger without a ton of effort. Now i dont want to look like a vein poping meat head, i just want to be cut and have a good amount of muscle.
Right now to give you an idea of my strength level i max out on flat bench at 245 pounds and usually work out with 40 pound dumbells(10 reps). So what do you guys think? any help would be appreciated, LMK if you have any questions.