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Old 11-28-2009, 12:47 PM
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Kinryoku Kinryoku is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 100

Hello guys I went through a hard period of insomnia (problem with my job) and I was unable to train heavy, with very little sleep I was 10% or even 15% weaker... I tried to train lighter for a few weeks but didn't work eiher. But now I'm back to normal... well at least as normal as I can be

I'll start again with my One Rep Training and I'll improve it : I'll not increase the load every workout/week. I'll lift a fixed load for a period of ~30-40 days for my first "cycle". It'll allow me to recover much better. At the end of the period I'll test my 1RM again to see if I can increase the load or if it's too soon. Due to my previous training & tests, I know that lifting 100% is too much and I found that I have to train above 90% to stimulate an adaptation. My guess was that 95% is very close to an optimum level of stimulation. So I'll continue to lift 95%. I also did a lot of test on training frequency and so far I found it's not usefuel to train a muscle more than once every 4 days when compared to once every 2 days and a daily training. Unfortunotely I wasn't able to finish my tests of lower frequencies. I only tested once a frequency of 1/12 days and the gains were 50-60% compared to higher frequencies, so maybe 1x per week is optimum ?!

Here are my 1RM at present, I'm nearly back to my best, probably that I could DL again 155kg with 1-2 more good night of sleep but I'll start with those 1RM :

Deadlift (straigth back) : 150 (best 155)
Floor Press Left Arm: 42 (best 44)
Floor Press Right Arm: 42 (best 44.5)
Curl Left Arm: 28 (best 29)
Curl Right Arm: 26.5 (best 27.5)

For the First "cycle" I'll do every exercise once every 4 days then for the second cycle I'll test a lower frequency for the Right or Left Arm. Or maybe I'll do it for the first cycle... not sure about that.
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