Squat Day
I wish I could stick to a plan whan I squat LOL, I know I would be much better off.Planned 5-6 quality singles today.I didnt want to hit a max for the day, I wanted to stay just under it and get some real nice reps in but me being about as OCD as it comes when squatting just had to try a new PR.Just missed 376lbs, I'm getting stuck just out the hole.Which tells me 2 things
1 I am too slow and 2 I need to make friends with heavy GMs for a while.Anyways I was gassed after the miss i strained quite hard for 5-6 secs but couldnt get it done.Did another single with 145kg and it was hard, tried an 2nd and brain farted the rep and dumped it.Bah.Next week is triples anywho it will be better.Moved to super wide box squats for reps but my hips were begging for mercy so i did GMs and abs and called it a day.Not a total waste of a day, the reps I did hit were good clean and pretty sure to depth.
Squat Day 22/1/10
Free Squat
1x1 120kg
1x1 130kg
1x1 140kg
1x1 150kg
1xM 160kg (I really wanted this)
1x1 145kg
1xM 145kg (Bahhhh!)
GMs Wide
2x 8,7 80kg
1x5 80kg these need work
Roman Chair Sit Up
1x8 BW+5kg behind head
2x8 BW+10kg behind head
There are no shortcuts. The fact that a shortcut is important to you means that you are a pussy. Let me be clear here: if you'd rather take steroids than do your squats heavy and drink enough milk, then you are a Fucking Pussy. I have no time or patience for Fucking Pussies. Please tell everyone you know that I said this.- Mark Rippetoe
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