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Old 02-15-2010, 03:05 AM
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ALPHA_XX ALPHA_XX is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Nuremberg
Posts: 75

clenbuterol ???!! don´t take that one, it´s totally unhealthy, altough it does not make any sens to take it alone without any other steroids(altough itself would not be classified as a steriod), but drop that one out !!!!
ok, you´re currently on a low carb diet, wanting to lose fet and build some muscles ? but realize this: when on diet it´s hard to build muscles. your main goal should be to lose as many fat as possible without sacrifying muscle mass. so, whey on low carb you gotta eat anough protein, minimum 1g per lbs of bodyweight, preferably slightly more. also make sure to eat enough fat: min.20-30% of your daily calories should come from fat. but you gotta keep the carbs low, just about 120-150g daily(it dependy from person to person, so try a bit). and make sure to eat anough veggies, min 400-500g daily.
ok now about your supps: you can really be happy to have ben donatetd such a grat stack, just drop out the clenbuterol.

whey: take min. 3 shakes a day, each shake 30g. one after waking up, one 30 min. before workout and one immediately after your workout.

bcaa: take 0,1g per lbs of bodyweight daily, divide it with tree and take each dose with your whey shakes

glutamine: take 10-20g daily, but never together with your post workout-shake !

creatine: take 5g pre-workout and 5g post workout

ripped fuel: i don´t know this one, but take it like said on the packing.
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