Thread: quail eggs?
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Old 04-02-2010, 12:48 AM
cmatthew4 cmatthew4 is offline
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Default quail eggs?

im not sure if you any one here has tried quail eggs... but they are incredibly good... i was just wondering if i have pickled quail eggs how many would i be able to eat per day? considering the cholesterol and the fact that you could almost fit 5 quail eggs in 1 chicken egg...
when i was little i used to eat them like candy... does pickeling change any of the nutrition? the pickle solution would be vinegar (obveously)
i dont wanna kill myself with cholesterol lol i know i could easily eat 2 dozen of them in a day lol but trying to look it up on the internet leads me to beleive that there is 75mg of cholesterol in each egg (9g egg) and that i could only have 4 to acheive the 100% recommended cholesterol intake.... unfortunetly with an egg that small eating whites only would be impossible
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