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Old 04-26-2010, 06:19 PM
texasmax texasmax is offline
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Default Intense pain in hand tendons


Didn't used to have this problem, until the weight I was lifting got past a certain point... the tendons in my hand (trying to find a diagram so I can call them out by name) that are on the palm side, that run from the underside of my thumb "knuckle" to the underside of my index finger knuckle. I'm not talking about the edge of the "webbing" between the thumb and the index finger, but runs parallel to it about an inch or so towards my palm.

What gets it the most is an overhead dumbbell shoulder press, where the bar is balancing on the inside end basically on the tendon. A tight grip makes the tendon "wrap "around the bar, and above a certain weight dumbbell, the tendon stretches very tightly, hurts like a b*tch, and also sends shooting nerve sensations up my forearm (not unlike smacking the nerves on the inner edge of your elbow real hard). Dumbbell curls get them too. Basically, I'm now limited to barbell lifts only, and for those I really need to balance the bar on the outer ends of my hands (which can't be good form) for pushes. Pulls are fine.

I wear gloves with a bit of padding there, makes it a bit bearable over no gloves, but this isn't a solution. I'd like to have a doctor snip them

Anyone with ideas on this?

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