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Old 04-20-2012, 12:28 PM
Bluecore Bluecore is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 47
Default Fruit While Cutting

Many people are against eating Fruit while cutting, but most fruits (particularly the ones I eat) are pretty low on the Glycemic Index. I personally make it a point to eat 3 servings a day (1 of each, Orange, Banana, Apple, and sometimes a cup of 100% Grapejuice when I wanna take creatine without protein). I know Fruit has a lot of sugar in it, but when it is in fruit form (as opposed to juices) the carbs digest slowly.

Anyways, I guess my point is, why do people advise against eating Fruit during a cut? Is it simply based on the notion that you should eliminate ALL sugar from your diet while cutting? They contain a lot of fiber and have a negligible impact on your blood sugar if you eat the right ones and eat them in moderation, so I just don't buy it.

I was thinking about doubling down on my cut, since I am more or less happy with my lift progression, but I wanted to have a pound or 2 more of fat gone before the hot weather came back. For me, this would basically consist of my ditching the Grape Juice and the Orange, and my 150 calories of chocolate I eat every day (half a bar of Trader Joe's milk chocolate) to keep me from going crazy.

That would pretty much bring my carb intake per day, to 1 cup of oats, 1 cup of shredded wheat, plus the 2 pieces of Fruit, and then on workout days the carbs I put in my shake. If this ends up being too little, I will probably add a serving of carbs to my dinners on lift days. I also picked up a BCAA supplement for the first time so hopefully that will help me out. I see no reason to ditch the banana and the apple. Thoughts?
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