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Old 08-01-2012, 03:06 PM
yuris yuris is offline
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Posts: 55

That is not correct.
If you eat too much protein your body can't absorve all, so the excess is going to fat.
What you need is a plan, to increase body mass or lose it.
You can't achive great results cutting on carbs and fat, you need energy to lift more weight, to stimulate more muscle, make them grow.
ThaĆ*s will lead you to some fat gains, but here is where you have to know your body, if you are increasing too much fat and ot body mass, 2 thinks could be happening

1 not enought intensity in the training, not hard enought
2 eating too much, or crappy diet.

When cutting, you will mantain the protein intake, and cut the carbs, you will not grow much, and you will eventualy lose some muscle, but the idea is to keep the most of the muscle with less fat
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