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Old 01-22-2008, 11:36 AM
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I found this at another board, and it appears to be posted on a few. I thought it would be helpful to everyone:


Nomenclature: 17b-methoxytrienosterone
Pill size: 2mg
Dosages: The label recommends 2-6mg daily, but many users report only noticing effects when dosed at 8-12mg.
Side effects: Low liver toxicity. Some users say this is a libido killer, yet others say the exact opposite. Other users report sides of thinning hair/hair loss.
Reputation: Seemingly underdosed, methoxy-TST could be considered an underrated designer, as many users have reported some substantial gains with higher dosages.

Epistane/Havoc/Hemaguno/Methyl E/Epi-Max
Nomenclature: 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol
Pill Size: 10mg or 12.5mg depending on what brand you use
Dosages: 20-30mg
Side Effects: Milder on liver and lipid levels than other methyls. Known to cause lower back and calf pumps.
Reputation: There has had some spectroscopy and compound identification issues with these products, but from personal experience with it, is still a solid product. It is also a popular compound for use with the 'pulse method' of taking orals. Users can expect to see significant gains in both strength and mass.

Pheraplex/Phera Vol
Nomenclature: 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol
Pill Size: 10mg
Dosages: 10-30mg
Side Effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profile, lower back and calf pumps, some users report aggrevation of gynecomastia with this compound.
Reputation: Solid product for bulking. Wet gains. It is a sometimes used to jumpstart an injectable cycle. This is the less androgenic isomer in the Ergomax LMG matrix.

Ergomax LMG
Nomenclature: 17-methyl-delta-2-etioallocholane isomers
Pill Size: 10mg
Dosages: 10-40mg
Side effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profiles, lower back and calf pumps, may aggrevate gynecomastia.
Reputation: Again pretty solid for bulking. Users can expect similar gains as with pheraplex.

Superdrol, SD Clones
Nomenclature: 2a, 17a-dimethyl-17ß-hydroxy-5a-etiocholan -3-one
Pill size: 10mg
Dosages: 10-30mg
Side Effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profiles, hypoglycemia, some users report agrivation of gynecomastia with this compound.
Reputation: Side effects vary from mild to extremely harsh, so use caution if planning your first run. Excellent dry gains. Great for bulking or cutting. Explosive strength gains. This is a methylated form of Drostanolone (Masteron)

Methoxy-TRN (Trenadrol)
Nomenclature: 17b-Methoxy-Trienbolone
Pill size: 3mg (trenadrol is 30mg on bottle, however same deal)
Dosages: 1.5-6mg (trenadrol dosed 30mg - 90mg as high as 120mg)
Side effects: Affects libido (some positively some negatively), can aggrevate gynecomastia. May cause thinning hair/ hair loss, elevated blood pressure, aggression. Also another progestin.
Reputation: This guy is a real hit or miss. Some users loved the stuff, while others did not notice anything from it. Noticed increases in strength as well as decreases in bodyfat.

Halodrol-50, and Clones
Nomenclature: 4-chloro-17a-methyl-4-ene-3,17 diol
Pill Size: 50mg
Dosages: 25-50mg
Side effects: Heptatoxicity, lower back/calf pumps
Reputation: Milder than superdrol or pheraplex. Modest gains in mass and strength. Most users take this as part of a cutting cycle. This is a prosteroid of Turinabol.

Prostanozol/ Orasan-E/Winztrol
Nomenclature: [3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol
Pill size: 25mg
Dosages: 50-150mg
Side effects: very few sides. Some users report thinning hair/hair loss.
Reputation: Possibly the most mild of the designers, this compound is rarely run standalone. It is often stacked with a methyl compound for a lean bulk or cut. Very mild, yet easily maintained gains. This is a de-alkylated derivative of Stanozol (winstrol).

Finigenix Magnum/Trenaplex/Testraflex
Nomenclature: Estra-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione
Dosages: 50-75mg
Side effects: aggrevation of gynecomastia. This is a progestin (it can convert to trenbolone). Expect tren-like sides.
Reputation: Though there hasn't been much logged on this bad boy, those who've used it have liked it. This is a prohormone to Tren.

Nomenclures: 12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene / 6-17 dihydroxyetiocholone-3-ol proponate
Dosages: 1-2 caps daily
Side effects: low side effects
Reputation: User's who've taken it have reported great decreases in bodyfat, while increasing musclemass and strength. Non methyl status means that this product stacks well. NOTE: this is does not contain the same compound as Max LMG. They are close, but no cigar.

Max LMG / Revolt
Nomenclature: 13-ethyl-3methoxygona-2, 5(10)-dien-17-one
Pill size: 25mg
Dosages: 25-135mg daily
Side effects: Can easily aggrevate gynecomastia. May be a libido killer. This is another progestin.
Reputation: A bulking compound through and through. Users can expect great recovery, and wet gains.

M-1,4ADD/AF Methyl-Stak
Nomenclature: 17a-methyl-1,4-Androstadiene-3,17diol
Dosages: 30-90mg daily
Side effects: heptatoxicity, slight possibility to aggrevate gyno
Reputation: Great for a bulk. Wet gains, and decent strength gains. This is a prohormone of Dianabol.

1,4 AD/Bold
Dosages: 300-600mg
Side effects: Mild, acne, oily skin, MASSIVELY INCREASED APPETITE.
Reputation: Very weak and not very cost-efficient at the moment. This compound is often stacked with a methyl to potentiate and accelerate gains. Cycles are usually run at a MINIMUM of 4 weeks as this one takes a few weeks to 'kick in'. Slow, steady, and easily maintainable gains. This is a prohormone of Boldenone.

Dosages: 25-75mg
Side effects: The usual sides associated with methylated compounds.
Reputation: Very similar to that of Halodrol-50, although people who've tried both seem to prefer Halodrol. For a while a lot of people were conviced that these two products were one in the same. Rest assured, they are not. This is a methyl derivative of clostebol.

Nomenclature: 4-chloro-17 -methyl- etioallochol-4-ene- 17 -ol-3,11-dione
Pill Size: 7.5mg
Dosages: 7.5-22.5mg daily
Side effects: Heptatoxicity from 17a-methylation. Very low androgenic sides.
Reputation: Despite popular belief, this is not the most myotrophic designer out there: it has the highest Q factor. It is actually only about 77% as myotrophic as the active present in Havoc/Epistane/Hemaguno. Users taking Oxyguno can expect mass gains as well as excellent fatloss. Due to it's incredibly low androgenic ratio, strength gains are not as pronounced.

Furaguno/ Ortasan-A
Pill Size: 33mg
Nomenclature: 5a0androstano[2,3-c] furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol
Dosages: 33-99mg daily
Side Effects: very mild
Reputation: Supposedly lowers cholesterol, increases androgenic receptor activity, and does not induce any heptatoxicity. This product is too young on the market to have developed a reputation yet. Get some, log it, and let us know so I can update this compound's profile. This is a prosteroid to furazabol.
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Old 01-22-2008, 11:57 AM
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So these are respectively the same.. Epistane/Havoc/Hemaguno/Methyl E/Epi-Max
Because, I had epistane and it was great stuff in a higher dosage... But I can't find it or havoc in stock anywhere!!!!! Or I would stock up with a few bottles...
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Old 01-22-2008, 12:56 PM
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yeah its all the same shit, the only difference is the company who's name is on the bottle. Some people think its a big deal, other dont.

I am using epimax is made by anabolic formulations, I have had no sides thus far, but I am just getting started really. Oh and bulknut has it in stock.

What dosage did you use epistane at enorris?
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:30 PM
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I was taking 40mg a day I suppose.. If it's dosed right... 4 a day either way... I felt strong on it... Gained some good weight... Bulknut has epistane in stock?????? One of the best supps I've had in a while...
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:35 PM
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I just checked bulknutrition and epistane is out... Which one is in stock???
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Old 01-23-2008, 06:58 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
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Bulk nut has epi-max in stock, the company is anabolic formulations. Its 36.99, but dont go buying it all up, I need another bottle to finish my cycle
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Old 01-23-2008, 03:32 PM
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Preciate the info... I found the hemaguno too... Might try it if you're gonna hit the epi-max.. I'll try and post about it.. Think I'm going to order it...
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Old 01-23-2008, 04:00 PM
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Just ordered the hemaguno... 5 to 10 days away!!!!!!! Pretty pumped... Loved the epistane...
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Old 01-24-2008, 06:24 AM
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I've heard good things about hem, its pretty dam expensive though. definately keep us posted on it.
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Old 01-24-2008, 09:36 AM
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I found it for 45?? Little more than the epistane! Is that a pretty fair price for it.. And I may keep a log on the hemaguno this time..
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