I'm the legendary bomb_r2. I'm now 30 and around 5'11 185 pounds . I've used many pro steroids . M1T , superdrol , dmz . I have a receding hairline and high pro lactin levels.
My first injectable steroid cycle is as planned
Week 1-3 400mg test prop + 500mg test E & 400mg deca
Week 4-13 400mg deca + 500mg test
Week 15-19 pct of clomid 50/50/25/25 & Nolva 40/40/20/20.
I do have concerns as I have low blood sugar . I'm not so much worried about the hair line ( shave my head )
I also am prone to enlarged/swollen prostate .
I've been dirty bulking and have probably 18% body fat . From March 2016- April 2017 I went from 130-198 . I've cleaned my diet up a bit and quit smoking medical grade green . Any advice for this legend ?