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TALO 01-12-2007 06:24 PM

The truth....I told him what I was taking and that I have done alot of reading on M1T and Nolva. Told him about my PCT and that I should take nolva to help with it........he gave me a HUGE speech, but he basically said he would rather give it to me then me go and get it somewhere else (this way it's good)......This way I don't have to pay for it either.

TALO 02-09-2007 11:10 AM

So I have been off M1t for about 2-3 weeks. While I was on it I gained about 15lbs. '

I only lost 5-7 lbs, my strength came down a bit, but not much...The major problem I had was with my sex drive. It didn't exist (this sucked big time) It took about 2 weeks to come back. If and when I go on this again (in about 1-2 months) I will know better and take something stronger in my PCT......

All in All it was a good product...good gains.

EricT 02-09-2007 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by TALO
he gave me a HUGE speech, but he basically said he would rather give it to me then me go and get it somewhere else

Man, a doctor could lose their license for that here.

TALO 02-09-2007 11:39 AM

He could get into trouble for that here too...BIG trouble. But I wont say anything to anyone (except here)

hrdgain81 02-09-2007 12:01 PM

glad your cycle went so well talo

TALO 02-09-2007 02:22 PM

hrdgain81, what would you recomend I take so that my drive dosen't go away next time?

hrdgain81 02-10-2007 11:24 AM

I usually start up with the tribulus products about a week before I start pct. I like scivation FUZE, its like 20 bucks a bottle, and that usually does the trick. If not I'd give maca or powerfull a try.

TALO 02-10-2007 11:51 AM

I used tribulus, but it didn't do anything. Maybe I should have used more. I also use DHEA aprox 300mg / day. I was thinking I should have used the yohimbe that I have, but the dose is 1100mg and that's way to strong....Next time I will be more prepared for this..thanks:biglaugh:

hrdgain81 02-11-2007 04:21 PM

yeah from what i hear yohimbine will help, I've never used it though.

I would try and increase the dosage on the trib you are using, or look into some of the other stuff out there like long jack, or maca.

Darkhorse 02-11-2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by TALO
So I have been off M1t for about 2-3 weeks. While I was on it I gained about 15lbs. '

I only lost 5-7 lbs, my strength came down a bit, but not much...

Damn dude. Every time I see your sig it's 20 lbs heavier! :D I'm missing out!

Congrats on the mass increase. 5-7 lbs during PCT is a lot of loss though. Are you still eating the same as when ON?

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