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Paul Chua Crook of Crooks

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Old 11-11-2007, 11:17 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Cool Paul Chua Crook of Crooks

Hi all,

This might be old news for you, but it is time that we blow the cover off the biggest IFBB cover-up of the Decade!

It is with utter dismay that I have learnt from the ABBF website, that Milos Sarcev has been suspended by the IFBB for one year over his allegations of contest fixing by Paul Chua, the Sec. Gen. of the ABBF.

In my respectful view, this decision is viewed in Asia as chalking one up for injustice. With due respect, the IFBB Pro League Disciplinary Committee has committed a grave travesty against Sarcev and Asian Bodybuilding as they have crucified Sarcev without due inquiry into the matter (into the facts and merits of the case) - choosing instead to throw the book and discipline Milos on a technicality (for talking to the media and not going through the proper IFBB channels)

For your information, Mr. Sarcev is a very brave man in facing up to this man who has systematically raped and pillaged Asian bodybuilding for the past few decades. Every allegation that Sarcev has made is true!

Mr. Chua sells bodybuilding titles in Asia to the highest bidder for as high as US$100,000.00! (eg. in the Asian Games) He uses the power of his office as IFBB Vice President to devastating effect, suspending athletes/officials and even entire affiliate committees when faced with exposure.

For your information Mr. Chua was charged in Court by the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau in the mid-eighties for pocketing the Financial Grants of 2 Singapore bodybuilders, JoJo Sinclair and Azman Abdullah. This wily man managed after 3 years of on and off-court appearances to get the complainants to withdraw charges, ostensibly through restitution plus a promise of titles.

He hand picks crooked or compliant judges who are in cahoots with him to ensure that the winner will be the one who greases his palm. So rotten is the ABBF that virtually every affiliated country has had officials changed at his behest and his corrupt tentacles spreads far and wide.

In fact, we in Asia are so powerless to stop this dishonest man that we have to turn to registering a website called www.ArrestPaulChua.com to collect and collate evidence so that Paul Chua can be put where crooks like him belong - in the slammer! The website is up and running. In this day and age of the internet, Paul Chua cannot hide behind the cloak of his office for long! A Hall of Infamy section is included in the website, reserved for those who abet and condone Paul Chua's criminal activities!

The obscene haste with which Milos's Disciplinary Proceedings and Appeal was disposed off by the IFBB was a sham from the get-go! Paul Chua is able to carry out his evil, diabolical and inquisitorial schemes and behave with such impunity, because unfortunately the whole IFBB machinery, as it currently stands, is geared towards allowing him to do so, supporting perhaps inadvertently, his delusions of omnipotence! I call on the IFBB Pro League to at least determine the veracity of this vile rape against Asian bodybuilding!

As a matter of interest, Paul Chua holds the Asian franchise for Weider products. Is that why action has been taken against the complainant and not the perpetrator of the crime. It may be a freudian slip, but both the ABBF and SBBF (both controlled by Paul Chua) websites are registered as dot biz. It seems to me that bodybuilding is more than just a sport to Paul Chua. He's never lifted a dumbell in his life, let alone train! He's only in it for the money and the opportunity to make a killing, come contest season. Everything that he touches involves money and his dirty fingerprints can be found all over the train wreck that is Asian bodybuilding!

Finally, do remember that in this age of the internet, nothing can remain covered up for long.... The FBI (if any money from Paul Chua's ill-gotten gains is traced up to the higher offices in the IFBB) and the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (where Paul Chua commits most of his crimes as that is where the ABBF Secretariat is located) as well as the mainstream media will definitely be hearing from us!


Frankie Dee aka Frank D Law
Chairman of Executive Committee
Hong Kong
Justice, Fairplay and Truth
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Old 11-11-2007, 11:19 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Cool Paul Chua Crook of Crooks

I really hate to post this, but Paul Chua is now displaying serious delusions. He actually thinks that he's a Thai. He has 3 personalities: Paul Chua, Charnwit and Poonsuk Viryasiri!

Do read this post from the bottom up to fully understand how delusional he has become.

"Dear Paul,

Why do you insist on using the "Poonsuk Viryasiri" pseudonym? Was that the name given to you by the Thais when you checked into that Thai monastery following the close call to your business and reputation?

And your email address "veryhappypv". Corny but you might not be very happy to learn this.

Rumours are flying that your mistress Christina is having orgies in your absence! She goes into Planet Hollywood to pick up young men on a regular basis, (obviously when you are not around) and has gained a reputation as a generous "queen". Her weakness? She likes to have her clxts licked! Every young stud there has fuxxed her!!

Hah, Paul - you're not satisfying her? It must be your diabetes. You inflate your stomach with all your heavy drinking and greedy indulgences. Stop that. The diabetes makes you impotent and even your mistress is finding other outlets! Soon Audrey would be following suit, you cuckold impotent bastxrd! Maybe that's the Goddess of Mercy turning her back on you for all your corrupt ways.


Frankie Dee

Poonsuk Viryasiri <veryhappypv@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Law, ( or should I address you as CJ ? )
I have noticed that you are again trying to discredit Datuk Paul Chua with your pathetic website,
don't you really think you have gone far enough, and made sufficent a fool of yourself ?
You obveiously have some personal vendetta in this matter, and are over stepping the mark.
I e.mailed you on July 27th ( see below ) wonder why you failed to answer ?
By the way, I understand that you have extended your jewelery outlet to Cambodia,
I trust you are working within the stipulated regulations ?
You mention on your web that you have, and did attach a letter from Thailand, but failed to attach it.
Would be interesting to see what it has to say, if in fact it exists !!!!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Poonsuk Viryasiri <veryhappypv@yahoo.com>
To: Frank D. Law <frankdlaw@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 2:53:12 PM
Subject: Re: The rape of Asian Bodybuilding

Dear C J.
I e.mailed you yesterday, see below, but no reply ? did you ever receive my letter ?
What happened, " cat get your tongue ? "
My understanding is that your website would be on line this week, has this happened yet ?
if so, please do let me know, as I really would like to view it.
I was able to obtain a picture from one of the competitors taken at the National games in Chiengmai in 2002, and there is a splended picture you all dressed up in your Mao outfit, indeed smart.
I shall look forward to your further news.

Dear Mr, Law,
Or should I address you as C J ?
I have read your latest outburst against Paul Chua, and the points you have raised are
most interesting.
I find your insinuations:

a high maintainenece mistress that you're keeping in HK or Thailand, knowing that you have a predilection for these things?

to be too funny, also your reference to Sadam and the classic remark :

" You will want to be taken away kicking and screaming in handcuffs! "

that would indeed be a sight !!

I think I saw you in Chiengmai in 2002 when you attended the National bodybuilding games
and presented a token of your esteem to one of the Thai bodybuilders ?
By the way, are you still in the jewellery business ?

"Frank D. Law" <frankdlaw@yahoo.com> wrote: Hi Paul,

Seriously Paul, you've got to try much much harder! Of course I've heard your claim of helping bodybuilders many times, and regretably believed you then.

Initially, I had great admiration for you. I was one of those who celebrated when you were appointed IFBB Vice President for Asia, for I sincerely thought that it would be good for Asia....a feather in Asia's cap, so to speak!

Unfortunately, that's when the complaints poured in. Initially, I refused to countenance them, believing that it was just sour grapes. But the complaints continued to pour in, and I began to think, perhaps, just perhaps there could be no smoke without fire.

I thought that in fairness to you, I should withold judgement until I see for myself. And so I began to observe your operations more closely. What I saw dismayed me. The doubts began to creep in.

It took me sometime to figure out your modus operandi, but eventually I did. Here's your M.O:

You observed that bodybuilding in Asia is basically an amateur sport. However, you saw that Asian governments lavish Hundreds of thousands of dollars (sometimes even land and houses) on gold medals attained in the SEA Games and the Asian Games by athletes (ostensibly to build national prestige - in much the same way as the Eastern Bloc countries were wont to do, in days past).

You then worked out the clever strategy to allow bodybuilders to win true hard-core Bodybuilding Titles such as Mr. ASEAN and Mr. Asia. These titles, you noticed do not attract much largese from governments. Mr. Universe titles, you can hardly manipulate - so you leave those basically alone. But the Asian Games and the South East Asian Games, that's a different thing altogether - you can hear the cash register in your head ringing overtime! That explains why athletes can win the Mr. Asia and Mr. Universe mutiple times and then invariably lose when it comes to the South East Asian Games and the Asian Games.

You appoint the judges and the Judges Secretary. The results were totally under your control. Unlike Ben Weider, who scrupulously avoids attendance at the prejudging of competitions, you and your "Judges Secretary" in every SEA Games and Asian Games BB competition, hover over the computer screen that nobody else has access to, not even the judges! Anyone who comes close, including ABBF officials are shooed off! Again only you and your lackey are present for the weigh-in and drug test results go to you and you alone!

Interestingly you never had the need to do all that at the Mr. ASEAN and Mr. Asia, and interestingly, in the latter competitions the results are always kosher. I remember distinctly one complainant telling me how his athlete (who had been cheated) had related to him tearfully, what Ben Weider had told him as Mr. Weider handed him his Bronze Medal at a SEA Games:"Mr.......I know...I know everything... be patient!"

I've thought long and hard and tried to go inside your head to understand why you do these things. Is it cash flow problems from your business.? Was it a high maintainenece mistress that you're keeping in HK or Thailand, knowing that you have a predilection for these things? I came to the sad conclusion that it was just pure GREED! The power of your office enabled you do do all that without the risk of being caught.

When I think of the bodybuilding careers and lives you've destroyed Paul, you have exhausted all the compassion merit points that I had for you, and perhaps even the Goddess of Mercy herself would've arrived at the same conclusion. I certainly hope for your sake, she hasn't. Still I did nothing, vacillating and wondering whether I should stand up and be counted.

The last straw was Sarcev's suspension! Here was a man who dared to do what none of us in Asia had ever dared to do. That was a wrong move on your part, Paul. That aroused extreme indignation from a lot of us in Asia, people who did not know Sarcev from Adam, but who finally decided to stand up and be counted. You think this is a vendetta, a one man crusade? Think again. You'd be shocked at what you've aroused!

The sport is bigger than you. Hardworking athletes should go into every competition in Asia knowing that every competition is run cleanly. But if my reading of your M.O is wrong, say it isn't so, Paul...Say it isn't so! I badly want to believe that!

I would suggest that you do the decent thing and step down. The same offer was made to Sadam. He didn't take it up and see what befell him! But knowing you Paul, you wouldn't! You will want to be taken away kicking and screaming in handcuffs!


Frank D.
Justice, Fairplay and Truth
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Old 11-12-2007, 05:38 PM
Dinghy Girl Dinghy Girl is offline
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Talking Paul Chua Crook of Crooks

I really hate to say this but this Paul Chua guy gives me the creeps!
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Old 11-15-2007, 05:41 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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The votes continue to pour in. In the Opinion Poll "Should Paul Chua be Arrested", a total of 926 voters (92.5%) as of today voted FOR and 75 voters (7.5%) voted AGAINST.

Go to www.arrestpaulchua.com to register your votes.
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Old 11-16-2007, 06:53 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Default Latest!

The vote count continues to climb. As of this point in time, 1,004 voters (93%) voted FOR and those voting AGAINST remains at 75 (7%) in the POLL: "Should Paul Chua be Arrested?"

The Official Paul Chua Fan Club site www.arrestpaulchua.com is open for you to make your voice heard. Place your votes now.
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Old 11-24-2007, 05:30 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Default Milos Sarcev: Lodge a Complaint to the AG about IFBB's monopolistic practices

If Milos's suspension is not lifted when he finishes serving his suspension, as the IFBB has done to Lee Priest, I suggest that Milos files a formal complaint against the monopolistic practices of the IFBB with the Attorney General's office.

Bigger monopolies than the IFBB has been dismantled by the AG. Example AT&T.
Bill Gates saw his monopolistic dreams go crashing when the AG took him to court. After spending a small fortune fighting the anti-trust action, the richest man in the world caved in and abandoned his plans.

The IFBB themselves filed a complaint against the monopolistic practices of the AAU to the AG and got the AAU dismantled! That's how the IFBB got established. And now they are doing exactly the same thing!

Why is a monopoly regarded as public enemy NO. 1 in a market economy? Because as the IFBB is now showing, it operates as a fraud against the consumer (IFBB Pros and fans in this case). In a monopoly, prices are ALWAYS higher and services ALWAYS poorer. Everytime a monopoly is dismantled and free competition is let in, prices ALWAYS FALL and service ALWAYS improves. I'm sure you've all seen this happen in real life as AT&T was broken up. This explains why the USA has anti-trust laws and the EU has "Anti-competition" laws - to prevent monopolies from ever taking root!

Milos, a complaint to the AG has NO LEGAL COSTS. If the IFBB fights the case against the AG, it is the IFBB that will incur legal costs, as in Microsoft's case. Even the richest man in the world couldn't stand the legal costs and fight what is essentially wrong!

Curt Flood's case against the Baseball Board has shown that the courts will never tolerate such monopolistic abuses. The IFBB may even be ordered by the courts to pay damages to all pro bodybuilders affected by their monopoly. I'm sure, Wayne deMelia of PDI and Lee Priest would also join in filing the complaint to the AG.
For Justice, Fairplay and Truth
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Old 12-04-2007, 12:28 AM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Default Latest Update

Latest. The Opinion Poll "Should Paul Chua be Arrested?" has seen an upsurge in voting. The Yes votes have exploded to 5,457 votes (94.2%)whilst the Nay Votes is now 339 votes (5.8%).

The Official Paul Chua Fan Club aka www.arrestpaulchua.com is open for you to place your votes.
For Justice, Fairplay and Truth
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