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Newb trying to gain a little

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Old 07-18-2008, 05:33 AM
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Old 07-18-2008, 05:47 AM
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Welcome. Good luck with your weight gain. Just with what you have written down - it doesn't look like your eating enough. If you don't have time to eat 6 meals a day , it's not a huge deal. Try and get at least 4 (of course 6 is best ,but if you can't do it then you can't do it) just get enough calories in you.

If you haven't seen this , it's a good thread for your gym issue.

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Old 07-20-2008, 11:19 PM
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Default I was in your shoes

Originally Posted by TwiztidMetal View Post
i should also mention I dont really have a gym membership money is a little tight these days. But I do have about 140 pounds of free weights and a pull up bar at home, and access to the "gym" at my apartment complex. It has the Nautilus NS600 machine and a couple of treadmills. Those are the limitations i have to work through, so if you guys could help me reach my goals with what i have to work with, well quite frankly that would be awsome.

I started at the apartment complex gym, its a good base to start. I mean just to get familiarize with the workouts, get your body and muscles use to the ware and tear. You'd be suprised what you can do with mechine.

I mean free weights are the best but mechines will do. Also you said you have 140lb of free weights you can do front lifts, dead lifts, rows, skull crushers, curls, cleans, jerks squats, lundges, calf raises, use the plates to do sit ups etc,. Its gonna be light but juse get the form down and when you get a gym membership you'll be familiarize.

Oh and the treadmill you can use the handle bars to do dips, it'll be wide but it'll work. You said you have a pull up bar thats good for your bis and back. Good luck and welcome
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Old 07-20-2008, 11:20 PM
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Default I was in your shoes

Originally Posted by TwiztidMetal View Post
i should also mention I dont really have a gym membership money is a little tight these days. But I do have about 140 pounds of free weights and a pull up bar at home, and access to the "gym" at my apartment complex. It has the Nautilus NS600 machine and a couple of treadmills. Those are the limitations i have to work through, so if you guys could help me reach my goals with what i have to work with, well quite frankly that would be awsome.

I started at the apartment complex gym, its a good base to start. I mean just to get familiarize with the workouts, get your body and muscles use to the ware and tear. You'd be suprised what you can do with mechine.

I mean free weights are the best but mechines will do. Also you said you have 140lb of free weights you can do front lifts, dead lifts, rows, skull crushers, curls, cleans, jerks squats, lundges, calf raises, use the plates to do sit ups etc,. Its gonna be light but juse get the form down and when you get a gym membership you'll be familiarize.

Oh and the treadmill you can use the handle bars to do dips, it'll be wide but it'll work. You said you have a pull up bar thats good for your bis and back. Good luck and welcome
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Old 07-21-2008, 11:03 AM
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