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pimpsticky pimpsticky is offline

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  1. pimpsticky
    12-27-2008 02:02 PM
    I think rather than shoot him, I'd enthusiasticly kick his ass...lol.

    Yeah... war sucks... I'm fascinated by stories of combat veterans. Every time, I'm amazed by the humanity they posess for their fallen enemy. Recently, I was listening to a program on either NPR or BBC... I can't remember which... interviewing WWII vets and how they felt toward the enemy. During the war, the enemy was de-humanized and they were brainwashed as soldiers. But after the war... when the reality sunk in... many of them cried for the enemies they'd killed... even though the enemies were trying to kill them.

    Anyway... I spent 4 years in the Army too. So from one vet to another... thank you for your service. Sure... we served different countries... but I think, (shitty politicians aside), we fight for the same values.
  2. mad matt
    12-27-2008 01:42 PM
    mad matt
    I think id have to agree with your buddy, althought the older i get the more i dont understand people wanting to kill eachother. A friend of mine says you should only be allowed to join the army after the age of 50, that way there would never be wars.I agree. However when i was in the army i did get a buzz out firing off 100 rounds from a gpmg..
  3. pimpsticky
    12-27-2008 12:59 PM
    Yeah... I like things that go bang. Funny though... I'm not much into hunting... unless it flies, (duck, goose, pheasant). I'm not into shooting people either...lol. Actually, a buddy and I got into a debate whether or not we would use a gun if someone tried to rob us on the street. Well... I won't carry a gun... but if I did and a dude wanted my wallet, I think I'd rather give him my wallet than shoot him and have that on my conscience. My buddy disagreed. I understand where he's coming from... but I think it's worth the few dollars I may have in my wallet to know I didn't shoot anyone.
  4. mad matt
    12-27-2008 12:48 PM
    mad matt
    Its funny i keep thinking about all those guns you have, if i got caught with the guns you have over here, id be sentenced to jail for the rest of my life..

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    Every day God gives me, is an opportunity to take another step closer to my spriritual, personal and professional goals. I will use today so that tomorrow... next week... next year, I may look back and be proud of the choices I made, the people I've touched and the goals I've accomplished.

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  • Join Date: 09-21-2008
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