Originally Posted by John
don't think so. I know that proteins like soy and casein (especially casein) are absorbed slower than whey, but I'm thinking the body would absorb it at the same time.
Nothing is ever absorbed at the same time if that means all at once..not even whey. It's always released in a steady stream.
The body is quite efficient in absorbing whatever you take in. Nobody ever absorbs one hundred percent of any one protein source, depending on the source, but it's gotten to where people act like human digestion is so fickle we should all be malnourished. It's based on nothing but thin air.
The big picture: How much is enough protein. The little details: Timing. The big picture always supercedes the little details in importance and priority. Everything else is just icing.
I'm going to make a general post on digestion. You HAVE to start with the BASICS. A lack of general knowledge and going right to the small details is what leads to these myths and confusion and misinformation.
I think one general misstep is viewing dietary protein as meeting your "protein needs". You body does not absorb proteins for proteins. The body makes it's own proteins. Instead it breaks down proteins into aminos, mostly, and sometimes dipeptides.