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Ross86 02-05-2008 10:28 AM

Haha yeah. I'm torn working at GNC. I try to do more good than bad. When good honest people come in that want good advice, then I help them as much as I can. When your typical guy my age comes in that is an ass, I just sell MuscleTech. It's mostly ass holes that come in, so I do alright. I hate it's a dishonest, crappy company IMO. I just tell myself that whoever would be working there in my place would be doing less good.

Pitysister 02-05-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81 (Post 47934)
hahah why is that pity, i used to live in savannah, been to her insanely crowded and overpriced places down there a few times. The food is good, but good god its expensive.

i'm not exactly sure what it is...i just have an unbridled hate for her. :)

i loves me some rachel ray and giada though.

HSfootball16 02-05-2008 02:59 PM

hey guys, im back. ive finally got enough time to start using the computer again now.:) anyway...

i hate coaches who played safety at a D3 college telling a D1 prospect offensive linemen (my buddy) how to lift. its not all genetic that he's so good. its becasue he knows how to lift and train his speed.

also i hate when 2 different coaches tell you 2 different things in less then 2 days. my line-coach told me he was fine with me doing WSFSB3. not 2 days later the head coach told me to do his horid lifting plan. you would think they'd talk about it or something and my line coach would tell him it was ok, i mean he did almost play longsnapper for the browns (although now he's weaker then most of the freshmen).

MONSTAFACE 02-05-2008 04:07 PM

i feel you hsfootball. there are plenty of cornball coaches out there, but just to let you know for future reference not all coaches that werent successful at playing football are bad coaches. to be honest look at the best coaches in football now and in history, how many of them can you name that were great players........................................ there werent to many. so that coach can be whack. but dont let a coaches accomplishments when they were a player dictate how good of a coach they are. didnt mean to rain on your parade but since you are young i dont want you to pass up some good info you may learn

HSfootball16 02-05-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by MONSTAFACE (Post 47995)
i feel you hsfootball. there are plenty of cornball coaches out there, but just to let you know for future reference not all coaches that werent successful at playing football are bad coaches. to be honest look at the best coaches in football now and in history, how many of them can you name that were great players........................................ there werent to many. so that coach can be whack. but dont let a coaches accomplishments when they were a player dictate how good of a coach they are. didnt mean to rain on your parade but since you are young i dont want you to pass up some good info you may learn

ill try not to, its just very hard to take lifting advice from someone im stronger then, yea know?

widdoes2504 02-06-2008 03:55 AM

I hate my alarm clock :biglaugh:

Kane 02-06-2008 05:05 AM

^^ I hate the snooze button :biglaugh:

MONSTAFACE 02-06-2008 05:23 AM

I feel you HSfootball. Just wanted to make sure you you didnt close your mind to all coaches.........................................BA CK TO HATIN!!!!!!!!! I FUCKIN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTEEEE THE GIANTS AND PATS!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

hrdgain81 02-08-2008 12:04 PM

I'm starting to hate my alarm clock too. I have this sony cd alarm clock, i was so pumped when I got it, waking up to your favorite music is awesome. Unfortunately, now I dont wake up to music, I've gotten used to it, I wake up to the sound of the cd begining to spin.

Pitysister 02-08-2008 01:32 PM

i hate swapping out my hd box for a DVR...and having my channels "available shortly" for the last 24 hours. tech support said they would fix it last night...still not on hold i sit. gay.

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