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hrdgain81 05-27-2008 01:47 PM

^^ cause they have to :biglaugh:

Ross86 05-27-2008 02:02 PM

Haha one of my buddies always goes for the...large...chicks. He says they work harder in the bedroom than any other girls. To each his own...

widdoes2504 05-27-2008 06:23 PM

He can have them.....I would rather have an athletic woman than say one too large :)

Pitysister 11-19-2009 05:36 PM

i fuckin hate george lopez.

Pirate 12-29-2009 06:19 AM

AAAHAHAHAHA GEORGE LOPEZ!!!! that came out of nowhere, but I would have to agree....when my ex was giving birth to my daughter, George Lopez was on this tv that was on the other side of the room and in between contractions everyone would turn around and watch George Lopez, and then the doctor would say something like "Alright here comes another contraction" and everyone would snap back into doctor mode for a minute then go back to George FUCKING Lopez.

Pirate 01-29-2010 11:03 AM

Yesterday I witnessed something I thought was ridiculous, I always see these guys that are RIDICULOUS. They are gigantic sons of bitches, and they always throw the dumbells around...its rather annoying and dangerous looking. But, yesterday one of them was drinking out of a bottle, and took the cap of and dropped it on the ground, then when it was empty, literally just let go of it without even lowering it from his mouth and dropped it on the ground...asshole..

EricT 01-29-2010 01:07 PM

That's because of one or two things:

1. His workout is so intense and hardcore that he no longer has the strength to hold the bottle.

2. The bottle, to him, is a mundane and earthly object which is too unimportant to someone of his lofty status. He is a demi-god. And demi-gods do not need to be bothered with trifles such as setting things down properly.

Pirate 01-31-2010 05:39 AM

hahahahahahahahahahaha well I think its number least thats what he thinks, its ridiculous how they drop their dbs too, they don't just drop them...they litterally throw them. They usually end up against a wall 10 feet away.

iron_worker 02-02-2010 08:16 AM

Ya thats a piss off to me when guys are doing DB bench or incline and it's obviously too much (when they have to get their spotter to basically lift the weight for them on the first rep because they only do 1/2 reps) and then they just drop the weights because they are too weak to lower them down properly. I've seen DBs go tumbling over and actually hit some other dude in the leg. Not too cool.


EricT 02-02-2010 10:46 AM

I just realized that people should know the "techniuque" to putting down the bells after a heavy dumbell bench press because there does come a time when they are so heavy that you can hurt yourself putting them down.

A lot of people throw them down because they are not in a position to put them down slowly without hurting themselves. Try to lower a 90 pound bell slowly to the side of the bench and you could get a shoulder ouchie.

What you have to do is the reverse of the setup process. But it IS harder to do that then to setup properly in the first place.

Without someone to hand off the dumbells to I don't know of a better alternative, though. Except for using power hooks.

And if you are doing banded dumbell presses you've got a problem there as well.

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