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2011: Deadlifts, Grip and Presses

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Old 01-01-2011, 02:06 AM
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Arrow 2011: Deadlifts, Grip and Presses

Tough as Nails

Happy New Year, Everyone!

It's a new year and as usual, it's time for a new journal.

There is only one goal for the 2011: To Stay Injury Free.

I am not a bodybuilder.
I am not a powerlifter - though I do follow the sport and am a huge fan.
I am not a strongman.
I am not an olympic weightlifter.

I am a Strength Trainee.

I just want to get strong and my key lifts at the moment are Deadlifts, Grip Training and Overhead Presses.

I don't do "routines".
I Train.

I follow a template which is subject to change every so often.

Saturday - Deadlifts, Barbell Static Holds, Core Training

Sunday - Front Squats, Weighted Dips, Weighted Pull-ups and Core Training

Tuesday - Gripper Training, Overhead Press and Core Training

Wednesday - Weighted Pull-ups, Dumbbell Rows, Plate Pinch Deadlifts (Grip) and Core Training

I'm 22 years old @ 5'7.

My training videos can be found out here: anuj247

Today is a Saturday and my gym is closed unfortunately so my training for this week will be a little messed up. I will be going in on Sunday to do my Deadlifts.

Thank you for reading and I hope y'all have a Happy New Year!

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Old 01-01-2011, 02:32 AM
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Default Benchmark - Start of 2011

I want to keep a track of where I am at right now.

My key lifts at the moment are:

Deadlifts - 500
Overhead Press - 185 x 3 @ 187 lbs BW

Other important lifts:

Pistol Squats - 100
Weighted Pull-ups - +75
Front Squats - 315
Overhead Squats - 185
Back Squats - 345
Bench Press - 245
CoC #1 - only right hand
Weighted Dips - +70 x 6

I also want to add that I'm a huge supporter of APT Pro Gear
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Old 01-02-2011, 03:27 AM
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DEADLIFT Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 1

Finally hit the gym today....2nd day of the New Year!

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 3
135 x 3
245 x 4
295 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 3
415 x 2
455 x 2

Deadlift Relative Max:

Deadlift Consolidation Week 3:
445 x 3 reps x 6 sets
This killed me. For those of you not aware of Consolidation work, check this out: Strength Consolidation

Pallof Press:
37.5 x 15 x 3

Here is the video:
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Old 01-03-2011, 01:21 PM
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GRIP Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 1

I decided to do something fun today....

CoC #1 Gripper Practice:
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 attempts

Pinch Grip Dumbbell Deadlifts:
35 x 1 <<-- Forgot to record
30 x 7
35 x 0
30 x 5
30 x 7

Rope Pull-ups:
BW x 10 x 4

Suitcase Deadlifts:
115 x 6
135 x 6
155 x 2 <<-- Right Hand
145 x 3 <<-- Left Hand

Mobility Drills:

Hand Extensions:
2 bands x 25 reps x 3 sets

Here is the video:
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Old 01-04-2011, 07:47 AM
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Cool new format. I like it.

As far as gripper training ... how many times a week should I be training using my Coc? I'm following a 5/3/1 right now which hits 4 big lifts once a week each.

I see you're doing one CoC day, a pinch grip day, as well as deadlift day.

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Old 01-04-2011, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by iron_worker View Post
Cool new format. I like it.

As far as gripper training ... how many times a week should I be training using my Coc? I'm following a 5/3/1 right now which hits 4 big lifts once a week each.

I see you're doing one CoC day, a pinch grip day, as well as deadlift day.

Everything gets done once a week and you build tolerance over time
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Old 01-04-2011, 12:10 PM
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PRESS Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 1

Last workout of the week. Next update will most likely be on Saturday.

Bench Press:
205 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 2
225 x 1
185 x 8
I dunno what came over me to do this retarded exercise....I really need to work on my technique. I am unable to hold the bar correctly in my hands.

Weighted Pull-ups:
+35 x 6
+45 x 4
+55 x 3
+55 x 3
+45 x 4
BW x 15

Cable Woodchops:
80 x 15 x 4

Cable Rows:
100 x 10 x 2

Decent stuff..

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Old 01-08-2011, 01:53 PM
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DEADLIFT Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 2

Second week...I have to travel for work a bit this week so my training might be interrupted once again...I'm gonna experiment a little bit as well.

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 3
135 x 4
245 x 4
295 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 3
415 x 2

Deadlift Consolidation Cycle Week 4:
445 x 4
445 x 4
445 x 4
For those of you who want to know what the Consolidation Cycle is, click here: Strength Consolidation. I am going to use this 445 x 4 x 3 as a base for the next few weeks in which I hope to incorporate the principles of SDT Progression.

Static Holds for Grip Training:
275 x 10 seconds
315 x 9 seconds
365 x 10 seconds
405 x 0
385 x 0
365 x 3 seconds
Wow...quite a bit of strangeness.

Front Planks:
BW x 90s x 3

Hand Extensions:
2 bands x 25 x 3

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Old 01-09-2011, 10:14 AM
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SQUAT Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 2

Today's training...Decided to do the 4-Squat workout...

Overhead Squats:
135 x 4
155 x 4
I'm doing these after a long long time...wow...

Front Squats:
255 x 3
275 x 2
285 x 2

Back Squats:
285 x 5
315 x 2
325 x 1

Anderson Half Squats:
325 x 1
325 x 2

13 + 12 = 25 reps

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Old 01-12-2011, 01:41 PM
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PRESS Training - Mesocycle 29 Week 2

Last night's training

Gripper Training:
Walmart Gripper x 5 reps x 2 sets
HG 150 x 2 reps x 2 sets
CoC #1: 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10 attempts
HG 150 x 8 reps
Left hand sucks...

Overhead Press:
165 x 4
185 x 2
185 x 2
185 x 2

Weighted Pull-ups:
+45 x 5
+45 x 5
+45 x 5
BW x 15
Total = 30 reps

Suitcase Deadlifts:
135 x 8

Hand Extensions:
2 bands x 25 x 3

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