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Asking Advice

View Poll Results: When asking advice, your inner child...
Asks for many options, then picks the coolest one with disregard for which is best 2 22.22%
Only wants advice from those who're rather thick 3 33.33%
Just polling members to see if anyone's advice mimicks their own thoughts 2 22.22%
Would rather try out your own Frankenstein instead of learning from other people's mistakes 1 11.11%
Doesn't want advice, but asks for it anyways to make their own decisions feel better 1 11.11%
Doesn't quite know how to say, "I'd rather do something funner" 0 0%
Pretend you "already know" whatever someone brings up and then continue along the same path 0 0%
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:46 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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Actually that reminds me of the whole point I was making about beginner programs...and how everytime you hit the damn gym you are going to be stronger...

You know there is something called the general adaptation thingy which basically says that at first you adapt to everything in very similar ways because there are common changes you body can make to improve and it doesn't have to be very "specific" yet.

The fact that you are able to put 5 pounds on your squat everytime you go in...has nothing much to do with whether you are doing 4x6, or 5x5, or 3x5...only the time course changes.

But why do the pyramids still stand after thousands of years and the 400,000 dollar townhouse you just bought start crumbling after 5 years?

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:14 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Yep, good ol' GAS principle at its finest. Of course beginners can see workout to workout progress compared to upper echelon players. I could go on and on but I'm 99.9% sure you have Practical Programming as well!!

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Old 10-19-2008, 06:17 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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But of course. And basically I've realized that you can get your 5x5's off the net, run it, and move the hell on

But the chapter on injuries is enough to just make me barf, really. It's disgusting. This is the "appeal to authority" I was complaining about. Yeah, I used to thing that stuff was so much better than what I knew up to that time..then I gradually learned more. Is there a lot of good in it? Of course. But do not take it like a bible, because it is far from it.

I tried to tell someone this and I KNOW they did not believe me. That if I took you as a novice and taught you the bench press. No set reps and sets. Just low reps for quality really concentrating on learning the movement. Putting tiny bits on the bar. Completely informal...the next time you will be better at bench press. There is nothing magical about a beginner getting better at something if they have recieved good instruction.
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:23 PM
dave_cshmn dave_cshmn is offline
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Guys i'm not on here alot anymore but this is one of the best sites on the net. I have learned alot just by reading what u guys say thank you for helping me out
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Old 10-21-2008, 04:08 AM
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You guys should try posting on Yahoo Answers. That site is an absolute hoot. I signed up for shits and giggles a couple of days ago. It's interesting because you have totally uneducated people asking the wrong questions. There is no room for feedback apparently, so it's kind of redundant.

Recently someone asked if following the food pyramid guidelines would make them lose weight and if following the guidelines to a T was actually a diet. That was the entirety of the question. No other info was provided. I spent about 15 minutes typing up a response that detailed how it was a diet, weight loss depended on maintenance calories, briefly outlined the role of hormones in weight management, explained how all calories are not created equally, and explained why it might or might not work. By the time I posted my response, +10 people had already responded with answers like:
-"Just go run. That will tone up your legs. Do some crunches and that will tone up your midsection."
-"Yes, it's a great diet."
-"All you need to do is eat healthy"
-"Check out this site; it's how I lost weight (spam)"

It's pretty apparent also that most of the people asking for advice on Yahoo Answers in regards to health are doing it so they feel good about themselves. Why else would you post on a site where over 90% of the people that post have no clue as to what the definition of health is? I love Yahoo Answers because it draws that type of person away from sites like this one.

So if the purpose of this thread isn't clear enough to anyone, then I would recommend signing up or reading some of the responses at Yahoo Answers. It will be painfully clear to you then.

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Old 10-21-2008, 04:31 AM
EricT EricT is offline
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I've seen it. It's ridiculous. And then they "rate" the best answer and it shuts down, I think.
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Eric3237 View Post
I've seen it. It's ridiculous. And then they "rate" the best answer and it shuts down, I think.
Yeah. Close to 50% of my answers have been rated as the best answer so far. The other 50% just weren't the answers people wanted to hear. Sucks that they just close the thread though. I want to gain "Level 2" status so I can give other people that give advice bad ratings. That's the only thing that's keeping me going there at this point
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Old 10-22-2008, 10:56 AM
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Your a better man then I ross. I dont have the time or the patients for that shit.
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Old 11-15-2008, 02:28 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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I added an additional option the DH's poll. It's the one I most frequently encounter.
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