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Old 03-25-2008, 10:02 AM
RobS RobS is offline
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well, i'm back to the gym after a week of spring break. the gym that i lift at was closed for the week of spring break so i decided to use it as a deloading week. all i did exercise wise during the week was 100 push ups in the morning, some pull ups, wall sits, and planks just so that i could stay somewhat active. it's probably good that i had some time off b/c my body was beginning to feel pretty worn down, but i'm feeling good again and i'm ready to go.

even though i was making good progress and enjoying the dfst i have decided to change up the program a little bit to focus slightly more on hytrophy (sp?) so i have switched to the dfht program that is a sticky in the training section (i have made a couple small tweeks to it though to add in some different lifts that i enjoy and i think i can make progress on). i was looking at it and i figure that it seems like a good program where i will still be able to focus on strength, but it will also help to add a little bit more size.

so, here are my first 2 days on dfht:

3/24/08 Upper Body 1

Bench Press 4x10 - 205x10, 205x10, 205x10, 205x10
i can't remember the last time that i did more than 5 reps on bench press so even though the weight wasn't all that i high these really tired me out. on the last couple of sets i struggled on the last few reps, not because the weight was too high, but more b/c i was tired. my plan is to progress for as long as i can 4x10 then when i stall out move to a 4x8 and when i stall out on that switch to a 5x5

Incline DB bench press 3x8-10 - 70x10, 70x8, 70x6
the high volume was killing me, i'm going to move down in weight next week so that i can get all the reps

DB rows 5x5 - 105x5, 105x5, 105x5, 105x5, 105x5
i have been doing js rows for damn near a year and even though dfht calls i decided to switch it up and use some dbs, these felt pretty easy so i'll move up in weight next week and i plan on continuing to move up in weight until i max out the dbs then i'll focus on adding reps

DB lateral raise 3x8-10 - 30x10, 30x10, 30x10

Face Pulls 3x8-10 - 144x10, 144x10, 144x10
i love this lift, i had never even heard of it until i started doing dfst, i wish i would have learned about it earlier

Skull crushers 3x10-12 - 105x12, 105x12, 105x10
by this point in the workout my triceps were killing me

EZ bar curls 4x8-10 - 95x10, 95x10, 95x8, 95x8

the upper body workout was really different in terms of reps from anything i have done in a long while, i was real tired by the end, and when i woke up this morning my chest, shoulders, back, and triceps were feeling pretty sore

3/25/08 Lower Body Workout 1

Squats 3rm - 405x3
at the end of dfst i was planning on going for 415x3, but since i haven't squated heavy in 2 weeks i decided to drop the weight down a little and work my way back up and it is a good thing i did. i damn near stalled out and had to drop the weight on the last rep but i was able to push through it, drive off my heals, and get the weight up. when i racked the weight my legs were shaking but i was feeling good that the weight went up

Goodmornings 3x5 - 185x5, 185x5, 185x5
after squats the 185 felt like nothing was on my back

Hyperextensions 3x10-12 - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
the dfht calls for pull throughs here, but i prefer doing hyperextensions. for whatever reason i feel them more in my hamstrings, butt, and lower back than pull throughs

Leg Press 3x10-12 - 320x12, 320x12, 320x12
leg press is another lift that i haven't done in a long time, the weight was incredibly light, but my legs were still dead from squating, i'll definintly be moving up in weight on these next week

Abs - done

Leg Press calf raise 3x12 - 360x12, 360x12, 360x12, 360x20
not to beat a dead horse, but i haven't done any calf work in a while either. it felt good to do something for them again

the lower body workout went well, i don't think it was very different from my dfst low body workouts with the exception of the leg press and calf work, but that is a good thing b/c i was progressing really well with my lower body work on that program so i want to keep it going. plus my legs seem to respond well to low rep work, so i'm going to keep the reps low on squats and i just enjoy doing low rep work for legs more than high rep work
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Old 03-26-2008, 07:32 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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20 minutes cardio on the elliptical
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Old 03-27-2008, 11:07 AM
RobS RobS is offline
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Bench press 3rm - 265x3
i dropped the weight down quite a bit on bench press and i'm planning on slowly building it back up so i should be setting a new 3rm pr in 3 or 4 weeks

Floor press 5rm - 245x5
i only dropped this down 5lbs b/c right before break i was finally getting the form down and hitting my stride in floor press so i think that i will be able to quickly pass my old 5rm

Push Press/Military Press 5x5 - 145x5(push press) 125x5, 125x5, 125x5, 125x5(military press)
i was planning on doing push press for 3-4 weeks but today for whatever reason after my first set my quads started burning and felt like they were about to cramp up so i decided to drop the weight down and just do military press for the last 4 sets. i'm thinking that my quads started to hurt b/c they were still tired from the leg workout and cardio on tuesday and wednesday so, hopefully once i get back into the swing of things my legs will get used to the leg volume on tuesday. i'm going to try push press again next week and see what happens.

Weighted dips 3x8-10 - bw+35x10, bx+35x10, bw+35x10

Pull Ups/Chin Ups (alternate) 6x6 - 6 6 6 6 5 5

Tate Press 3x10-12 - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Incline DB curls 4x8-10 - 35x10, 35x10, 35x10, 35x10
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Old 03-29-2008, 06:44 AM
RobS RobS is offline
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3/28/08 Lower Body 2

Clean/front squat 3x5 - 155x5, 155x5, 155x5
during dfst i was generally doing heavy back squats 2x per week. i think that was a little much for my back. for dfht i'm going to only do heavy back squats on tuesdays and then on fridays i'll work on improving my cleans/front squats. i'll think that ultimately it will be good for me to have more squat variety in my workouts. when i do back squats i use a powerlifting style with a wide stance where my hips sink just below parallel, when i do the cleans into a front squat i do it olympic style where my feet are just barely shoulder width apart and when i'm catching the clean i drop my ass down to the floor.

Deadlift 3rm - 425x3, 475x2
i have just been doing heavy singles on deadlift during dfst so i decided to switch it up and go with a heavy triple instead. i got 425 pretty easily and my plan for the day was to try to get 475x3. i got the first 2 reps of 475 up, but on the third rep i got it off the floor, but i just couldn't get it to clear my knees

Lunges 3x10 - 95x10, 95x10, 95x10
the program calls for leg curls and leg extensions, but the leg extension machine at my weight room is broken so i figured that lunges were a good way to hit both the quads and hamstrings. i haven't done lunges in a while and i'm thinking that i'm going to keep them in my workout in place of the leg curls and extensions.

Hyperextensions 3x10-12 - bw+25x12, bw+25x12, bw+25x12
i lowered the weight but held it further away from my body

Weighted Abs 6 sets - done

Body weight calf raises (2 feet) - 20 20 20
one set toes forward, then toes in, then toes out

Body weight calf raises (1 foot) - 12 12


a.m. fasted cardio - not very intense, just a 45 minute walk downtown
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Old 03-31-2008, 04:13 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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3/31/08 Upper Body 1

Bench Press 4x10 - 215x10, 215x10, 215x10, 215x10
i didn't take a long enough rest before my last set, i got all of the reps but on the last couple my form wasn't especially good, i know my butt slightly lifted off the bench on the last 2 or 3 reps of set 4

Incline DB bench press 3x8-10 - 65x10, 65x10, 65x10
lowered the weight down from last week so i could get all of the reps, i got them all fairly easily. now that i am getting more comfortable to higher rep work i'll be able to start moving the weight back up and get the reps

DB rows 5x5 - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10

DB lateral raise 3x10 - 30x10, 30x10, 30x10
same weight as last week, but better form

Face Pulls 3x10 - 149x10, 149x10, 149x10

Skull Crushers 3x10-12 - 105x12, 105x12, 105x11
used a straight bar this week instead of an ez bar b/c all of the ez bars were being used

Barbell Curls 4x8-10 - 95x10, 95x10, 95x8, 95x8
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Old 03-31-2008, 05:32 PM
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how did you like the lunges? they are nice to throw in the mix once in awhile.
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Old 04-01-2008, 05:40 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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yeah it was nice to do some lunges, i hadn't done them in a while so my balance was a little off, but i think i am going to keep them in the workout on fridays. plus, i don't know if lunges count as a single leg movement or not, but i remember eric saying a while back that doing single leg movements can be really beneficial in improving functional strength and it never hurts to have more function strength/balance/coordination
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Old 04-01-2008, 05:51 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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4/1/08 Lower Body Workout #1

Squats 3rm - 410x3
squats felt good today, the 410 went up much easier than 405 did last week

Goodmornings 3x5 - 190x5, 190x5, 190x5

Hyperextensions 4x10-12 - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Leg press 3x10-12 - 360x12, 360x12, 360x12

Abs 6 sets - done

Leg Press Calf Raise 4x10-12 - 450x12, 450x12, 450x12, 450x20

one side note on diet - for a long time i didn't focus on diet at all, i ate the basic 3 meals a day of crap food and snacked on whatever i wanted in between, but after doing some research and realizing the importance of diet i decided to really pay attention to what i eat. for the past few months i have been eating more total calories and eating more frequently than i ever have before, in the beginning i was full all of the time and it was a struggle to get in all of the food that i needed, over that time i didn't gain any weight, but i did notice my strength levels and energy significantly improve. now i am eating pretty much the same amount of calories and i have actually increased my protein intake and i find myself getting hungry a lot more between meals, my strength is still improving, but despite increasing protein and taking in a fairly high number of calories i am actually losing weight. is this normal? has anyone else ever experienced something like this? and why would this be happening? thanks for any replies
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:00 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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light cardio
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:08 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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4/3/08 Upper Body Workout #2

Bench Press 3rm - 275x3
next week i am going to try to tie my old 3rm of 280 and then go for a new true 3rm the following week of 285

Floor Press 5rm - 250x5

Push Press 5x5 - 145x5, 145x5, 145x5, 145x5, 145x5
last week i had some trouble doing push press and had to switch to military press after 1 set b/c my legs were still exhausted from tuesday's leg workout, but now that i am back in the swing of things i was able to make it through all 5 sets no problem

Weighted Dips 3x8 - 45x8, 45x8, 45x8

Pull/Chin Ups 6x6 6 6 6 6 6 5
i was pressed for time today so i super-set the dips and pull/chin ups

Tate Press 3x10-12 - 40x12, 40x12, 40x12

Incline DB Curls 3x8-10 - 40x10, 40x10, 40x7
like i said i was press for time, so i super-set the tate presses and db curls too. it was actually really nice, i know we have a thread in the training section about "the pump" and the fact that it isn't really necessary for anything, but it is always a good feeling to leave the gym with your upper body all pumped - especially the arms - get to walk around and feel huge for a while
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