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EricT 02-26-2008 10:30 AM

^^^If you want to know if a guy is really a strength guy, look at his back. He can have nothing much for pecs but if his back is a big slab of know he lifts heavy stuff :biglaugh:

_Wolf_ 02-27-2008 05:42 PM

^^ my new goal :D

_Wolf_ 02-27-2008 05:52 PM

Squat Day
Cycle 8

Overall Impression:
very stressed out this week....and the last one too but its building right now lol....i didnt want to go and lift but i went anyways...pretty shoddy workout though i did hit the numbers i wanted to..
The Workout:
- 245 lbs x 3 reps x 4 sets @ 3 minute rest intervals
- 195 lbs x 9 reps @ 5 minute break after last 245 set
SO...lots to say:
1.) 245 for triples was ok. I warmed up very thoroughly and this time i took a wider stance than normal (normally i just go shoulder width or not-even and try to reach ass to grass) and to below parallel but just a hairbreath short of ass to grass. this kept my lower back tight and did not let me do the "butt wink" although i think i couldnt help but go all the way down on 1-2 reps.
2.) 195 bombed because i just wasnt in the mood. i dunno why....nothing on my playlist seemed to make me want to do that, i didnt feel like doing it.....i just decided "fuck this im done" after rep 9 so i just racked it. maybe i shouldnt squat for more than 6 reps regularly...perhaps only once in a while maybe? :D

Unilateral Romanian Deadlifts

Regular Romanian Deadlifts
skipped...decided to give my lower back some much needed rest

Ab Work
- Hanging Leg Raises superset with Lying Leg Raises = 12 reps x 2 sets and 10 reps x 2 sets respectively
- Front Plate Squats, Overhead Side Bends and Side Bends tri-set = 25 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets, 10 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets and 45 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets respectively
I love ab work...

Grip Work

Shoulder Prehab Work
- Overhead Shrugs

EricT 02-28-2008 04:25 AM

You need a deload week I think. And even if the way you're feeling has everything to do with school work and whatnot and not the weights a deload could still be in order. You're body doesn't much differentiate between stressors. So in times of heavy stress (and weight work is a "heavy" stressor) it's good to cut back a stress you can control, give your mind and body a chance to snap back.

_Wolf_ 02-28-2008 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 49732)
You need a deload week I think. And even if the way you're feeling has everything to do with school work and whatnot and not the weights a deload could still be in order. You're body doesn't much differentiate between stressors. So in times of heavy stress (and weight work is a "heavy" stressor) it's good to cut back a stress you can control, give your mind and body a chance to snap back.

so next week is a deload week, sir?

EricT 02-28-2008 04:44 AM

I think that would be good.

_Wolf_ 02-28-2008 04:54 AM

alright, sir. but by deload you mean deload on all workouts, right? good thing next week is supposed to be a kinda easy mp workout too :) i guess the timing is pretty perfect then. what am i supposed to do next week for most workouts? ive read that a deload can mean anything from reducing the number of exercises to reducing the weight to even not working out at all. so, sir: what would you have me do?

EricT 02-28-2008 05:03 AM

Well you have three basic things. Reducing intensity, volume, or both. (And yes, frequency but I'm not writing a thesis).

I think you should reduce intensity and volume on everything. Keep your supportive stuff in.

_Wolf_ 02-28-2008 05:05 AM

ok then. will reduce intensity and volume. thanks, sir :)

EricT 02-28-2008 05:36 AM

The simplest thing for you to do on the big lifts would be to take around an 8 rep max for everything. For an example:

On squats you take an 8 rep max and do two sets of seven. This automatically reduces the intensity (from the highest intensity you're doing) and you cut the volume by just around 40%.'ve covered both bases.

You can pretty much keep your other exercises the same weight but maybe cut volume some if you want. You can take out abs or just do a plank or something.

Truthfully you probably don't technically need to drop so much just in terms of exercise recovery but I actually think you need it to feel easy as possible for this week.

I know your "routine" is more complex than most so if you need other more specific suggestions let me know. But otherwise do what you want. You don't want to detrain but you should be fine.

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