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Pitysister 06-07-2008 03:47 PM

kick it's ass next week man :)

iron_worker 06-07-2008 04:03 PM

Very nice work on the squats!


_Wolf_ 06-08-2008 03:25 PM

Thanks guys :)

_Wolf_ 06-08-2008 03:27 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
Today was another bad session. I think it was because I didn't sleep much last night...oh well...
Started out with Military Presses. Warmed up, etc...the bar felt decent...95x3 was pretty cool. Took a 3 minute break. Took 120 lbs and got 2 reps easy. Bar was moving lightening fast. Took another 3 minute break. Then, loaded 135. Went and unracked. It felt like a ton :( But thats the good part...then I begin my first rep (remember: this is still a warm-up) and I couldn't get the bar up for what seemed forever. Then, when it finally budged and moved upwards, it took forever to lockout. Then, feeling very de-motivated, I re-racked the bar. I waited for 4 minutes. Tried rep 2 just to test. This went equally bad. Took another 4 minutes off. Went for Rep 3. Bad. Again. Shit. Decided to quit.

Rest of the workout was fine. I still don't get why this was so tough today. I guess next week will be better. I hope.
Overall Impression:
So much for enjoying todays workout lol.....

It seems as if my primary pushing exercises are causing problems for me. At first the bench press used to be good..then when I reached a somewhat respectable level at it (215-220 lbs) it began to irritate me. Now, the same has happening with the military pess. This sucks...

HIThopper 06-08-2008 04:20 PM

Sorry to hear about the shitty workout Anuj, how does this affect the rest of the program? Will you have to make the workout up somewhere along the line?

widdoes2504 06-09-2008 04:49 AM

Sorry the workout wasn't what you wanted, but hopefully getting some rest will help. Take care.

_Wolf_ 06-10-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 58409)
Sorry to hear about the shitty workout Anuj, how does this affect the rest of the program? Will you have to make the workout up somewhere along the line?


Originally Posted by widdoes2504 (Post 58442)
Sorry the workout wasn't what you wanted, but hopefully getting some rest will help. Take care.

thanks for dropping by, guys...

no, the workout can never be redone/made up for. whats done is done.

but im sure next week my workout will be better.

and yes, widdoes: the sleep i got last night did help :)

EricT 06-10-2008 01:43 PM

You're putting too much emphasis on what you've done in the past in general. The idea is to do as much weight as you can do with good form with the prescribed reps and sets. So what is too heavy is too heavy. You have that problem again then drop it down to what you CAN do. You just want a training effect.

_Wolf_ 06-10-2008 01:44 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
Whoever said summer school was easy must've been smoking crack lol....or im probably taking some weird classes hahaha...
Did Front Squats today with 165 lbs. Increased 10 lbs from last time. Pretty good. Shoulders' are gonna be hurting tomorrow lol...Next week I'm supposed to do some really really high volume Front Squat work....I am debating on reducing the weight quite a bit just to keep things under control. I know I'm supposed to be going balls-to-the-wall with every workout but *whiny voice* I hate Front Squats :p week I'll reduce the weight by like 5-10 lbs or I might keep it the same and grind out those depends.

Following Front Squats I had to do Rack Deadlifts. These weren't as easy as expected. I increased by 30 lbs from last time and took 275 lbs :) I did them mostly touch and go with an increased lockout because I wanted to work on grip. I can say with great pride that my grip has indeed improved because I was able to hold onto the bar for all the 6 reps per set without having to shift/relax/re-adjust my grip even once. Yay!!! :)

The last 3 exercises were Bulgarian Squats, Pull Throughs and Reverse Crunches. Good stuff :)
Overall Impression:
Neat and clean workout.

I hope everyone is having a good week so far (I's only just begun :()

_Wolf_ 06-10-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 58553)
You're putting too much emphasis on what you've done in the past in general. The idea is to do as much weight as you can do with good form with the prescribed reps and sets. So what is too heavy is too heavy. You have that problem again then drop it down to what you CAN do. You just want a training effect.

I know I know....I just keep forgetting this. Well, next week if needs be I might take only 135 lbs since I have so do a shitload of sets lol...

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