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_Wolf_ 06-14-2008 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 58904)
so what kinda stuff hurts the shoulder and what doesn't?

my left one has kind of been not happy today...not sure if it's just getting used to getting back at lifting...or if something is f'd.

sorry to hear about the shoulder, pity.

umm..let me see...basically all external rotations are bad for me.

these include:

sleeper stretch
scapular wall slide (i might do this once a month or so to maintain some shoulder flexibility)
side lying external rotations
kneeling cable external rotations
prone trap raise

the above ones are all exercises in maximum strength which i will be omitting. the ones which i WILL be doing are those exercises which have helped me greatly in the past:

Scapular Push-ups
Overhead Shrugs

so we'll see how long it takes for me inner shoulder muscles to toughen up again. hopefully in a couple of weeks ill be good to go. im keeping my fingers crossed :)

Pitysister 06-14-2008 08:56 PM

thanks for the tips on what helped be honest i think i noticed this pain after i started doing wall slides.

def gonna look into scap pushups...and oh shrugs.

_Wolf_ 06-14-2008 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 58908)
thanks for the tips on what helped be honest i think i noticed this pain after i started doing wall slides.

to be a 100% honest: so did i. i felt something strange after doing them. but really hit me when i did the lying external rotations...

however, i thought my feelings were clouded because of my insecurities about my slipping military press poundages. i should've trusted my instincts. well, like eric has always told me: you live and learn. so now ive learnt my lesson. time to make the changes.


def gonna look into scap pushups...and oh shrugs.
these have most definitely helped me the MOST.

Pitysister 06-15-2008 10:53 AM

i did some often do you throw them in? is it an everyday thing? don't wanna overdo it...but...they are not terribly taxing :)

_Wolf_ 06-15-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 58940)
i did some often do you throw them in? is it an everyday thing? don't wanna overdo it...but...they are not terribly taxing :)

i only do these on my upper body days. so thats 2x a week. or perhaps 3x at the most.

i remember eric once had me do overhead shrugs with 95 lbs just to see where i was at. but that was a long time ago and the instructions were: slow and controlled movements.

regarding my plan for these: im going to do the same thing i did before. i have a feeling that me dropping those rotation exercises is going to lead to big improvements on their own :)

Pitysister 06-15-2008 11:15 AM

cool...thanks man...i really squeezed at the top of the shrug...for a few seconds...

hope things work out for you this week :)

_Wolf_ 06-16-2008 05:22 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been eating a lot of food...and doing more cardio. Good news is that I'm feeling a little more tired off late so I plan on backing off cardio for a while :) yay!!!
Started off with Box Squats. 260 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets. This was hard as hell.

Moved on to Speed Deadlifts @ ~60% of my 1RM. 225 lbs x 2 reps x 10 sets. I don't understand why but I am not that quick off the floor unfortunately.

Concluded the workouts with some walking lunges, reverse crunches and front planks. After these two primary movers everything seemed so much easier mentally yet so damn difficult physically. Lunges were a royal pain and I am proud of myself for not quitting on those. This was one really hard workout.
Overall Impression:
Today's workout was really difficult. I'm glad next week is low volume week :)

I hope everyone is having a good week. Happy monday and I hope y'all have a decent week up ahead!

_Wolf_ 06-17-2008 11:36 AM

Beginning Thoughts:
I had an Anthropology exam today. I've gotten 4 hours of sleep last night. I had to read over 300 pages. But, somehow I found the stuff kinda interesting...and the test wasn't too hard. I wish I'd been more regular though :p
Military Press 135 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets. YEAH!!!! I'm back :D

Followed that with some high volume incline presses supersetted with cable rows....Then since I'm not going to do the shoulder stuff from Eric's program, I did some Face Pulls and Overhead Shrugs. I have to make sure I do just as much as needed. Its very easy to overwork the shoulder muscles. I concluded the workout with some side planks. These were damn hard.
Overall Impression:
Nice workout. The sun is finally beginning to shine :)

Have a good week everyone.

Pitysister 06-17-2008 01:54 PM

good stuff man...hope it continues.

iron_worker 06-17-2008 04:05 PM

Very nice work with the MP. I'm impressed.


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