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_Wolf_ 06-19-2008 09:40 AM

thanks guys :)

_Wolf_ 06-19-2008 09:41 AM

Beginning Thoughts:
So...I've been eating properly off late. I want to total up my macros and then comment on my exact diet...So y'all might have to wait till next week.

I have also been doing some of the extra energy workouts...and cardio. I think this was/is a horrible idea. I was so sore and tight on my hammies today its not funny. I think this may have also adversely affected my workout. Oh well....ya live and learn...

This high volume stuff is damn killer...
Workout and Videos:
Started out with Front Squats. 165 lbs x 6 reps x 6 sets. You guys can only imagine how grueling this was. I set the safety bars really low and I kept going ass to grass causing my lower back to round.
Set 1:
On this set I realized I was rounding my back a lot. So I changed my stance for set two and tried to stop around parallel. I believe I succeeded on some of the reps.
Set 2:
On the last 2 sets I raised the safety bars and mentally barred myself from going too low.
Good news about this exercise is that my shoulders no longer hurt as much. Bad news is that form needs a little work.

Next I did some Rack Deadlifts. I have four videos here.
In the first 2 videos I used an over-over grip throughout. But, I was worried that perhaps I wasnt locking out. While doing the exercise I felt as if I was doing it correctly but looking at the vids they look like partial reps. So I changed the angles and I realize that I have been locking out. Its just that my ass sticks out too much in these pants and it looks like I was doing 1/4 Rack
On the last two sets I used an over-under and an under-over grip. Last week my grip was fine...I don't understand why this week it worsened. Guess its just normal I guess..

I went on to do some Bulgarian Squats...two videos here:

Lastly I did some Pull Throughs supersetted with Reverse Crunches. Here are the videos:
Overall Impression:
This was a tiring workout. I have posted a lot of videos because I realize how important it is to have my form looked at. And secondly, this is about 90% of my workout...I have not recorded each and every set.

I am going to stop excessive extra workouts. Maybe just some cardio...and I will post the macro's of my diet + specifics sometime next week.

I hope everyone is having a good week. Only 2 more days to go :)


_Wolf_ 06-19-2008 11:05 AM

So, I went to and I typed everything I've been eating on a regular basis.

My bodyweight over the last 3 weeks has gone from 170 to 180 and I have been following a diet like this in the meantime.

Protein: 282 g
Carbohydrates: 121 g
Fats: 60 g

Total Calories = 2202

The percentage break-down [P / C / F]= 54 / 20 / 26

HIThopper 06-19-2008 06:32 PM

Nice vids dude, I likey the rack pulls,gotta try em myself soon. how much you pulling there?

iron_worker 06-20-2008 05:28 AM

Looks like 275lbs. I could be wrong though.


_Wolf_ 06-20-2008 06:15 AM

275 lbs it is :)

Thanks for dropping by, guys!

widdoes2504 06-20-2008 09:18 AM

Great work Wolf. Enjoyed the vids and glad to hear you are making progress. Take care of yourself and enjoy the weekend.

_Wolf_ 06-21-2008 07:49 AM

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been eating as usual....though I looked really bloated and fat today. It's weird coz I looked the complete opposite yesterday. Anyways, this was yesterday's workout...I got a couple of vids too.
Workout and Videos:
This was a very high-volume workout. Started off with some Unilateral Shoulder Presses and then moved onto some Weighted Chin-ups.
On the Unilateral Shoulder Presses I used 50 lbs x 6 reps x 6 sets supersetted with Weighted Chin-ups +5 lbs x 6 reps x 4 sets. The videos above are of my last two un-supersetted Press sets.

After this I did some Push-ups and Rows and then some Side Planks and some Dip Shrugs and called it a day.
Overall Impression:
Good workout today. Next week will be harder because I'm supposed to be moving heavier weights.

I hope everyone has a splendid weekend! :)

EricT 06-21-2008 08:39 AM

You are not locking out your pullthroughs. At least not all of them. You need to slow down and concentrate a bit more on each rep. The volume thing can really cause quality to go out the window, as you know, because of it becoming a rep counting thing. I'd rather see you pause a bit at the top of evertything to sort of exagerate the lockout. Emulate this for pullthroughs (in terms of the lockout especially):

It doesn't look like your rack pulls are all locked out completely. Really if you can't have that second where you can feel the glutes pinch...don't call it a full lockout. need to slow down and respect each rep a bit more. Set yourself. Don't get into bouncing it up and down.

I think the front squats are maybe a bit heavy for you. Some reps were better than others but much of the time your entire back was caving over from the beginning. You are still going lower than you can handle. If you need to use a box for touch and go do so. Concentrate on setting the back and keeping it straight. I know with such volume it's very difficult but the idea is to use a weight you can do the volume with good form. Do not let the volume portions of this program bog you down.

_Wolf_ 06-23-2008 02:43 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
Several things went wrong today. Inspite of this there is good news and bad news. Good news is that diet was not one of the things which went bad today. Good news is also that I was able to lift some pretty heavy weight and most likely hit a huge PR on the Box Squats. The bad news is that I don't think my form was good. Bad news is also that the weight wasnt the problem: i slept in this really weird position last night and I slipped down some stairs today morning. So my right knee was feeling a bit weird and throughout my workout I could not concentrate on my damn glutes. I find it ironic that when I make up my mind not to take videos of my workouts, I put up the best form but when I decide to take videos my form breaks down. Since it is important for me to learn to stop being camera shy/conscious, I am not going to stop recording me...instead, I plan on recording atleast one set each and every session. :)
Workout and Videos:
I warmed up using the mobility drills in "Maximum Strength" and then I decided to do some Overhead Squats to make sure my hamstrings are getting too tight. Here is one of the vids:

After OH Squats, I went in and did some Box Squats for triples. The weight used is 300. Before I post the vids, I want to point out certain things which I see a fault in. Firstly, my right knee was giving me problems so I don't think I was breaking properly. Secondly, whenever I do Box Squats, I always go down slowly because I try and focus on my glutes. Then, once I hit the box, I keep my glutes flexed and hard and I come up fast. This is how I did 275 for 4x4 and 260 for 8x3. My form was impeccable at the time. However, because of my sleeping position and my slippery slide down the staircase today morning, form was a bit off today. I plan on getting this shit right next time. It doesnt matter what could have happened though. All that matters is what did happen. And regardless of anything, form or not, I managed to move 300 lbs. Next time I will do a better job. That is all.

After Box Squats I hit some Speed Deadlifts @ 65% of my 1RM = 235 lbs. I am wondering if my form is good or not. In the sense, I think my form is alright but to me the bar wasn't moving fast enough...

I finished the workout with some Walking lunges and Ab work. I plan on resting up tonight...
Overall Impression:
Decent workout. I'm feeling a bit low inspite of having hit a so called "PR" on Box Squats because I'm not too satisfied with my form. But....I guess we all live and learn but this is the second lower body workout where my form has been an issue. Last time it was rack deads and front box squats. Good news is that this is hopefully this week I can redeem myself on both the rack deads and the front squats :)

I hope everyone is having a swell day. Have a good week, y'all! :)

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