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iron_worker 06-26-2008 02:06 PM

Those front squats look quite a bit better I would say. Next time you do them post a vid so we can see your mid back (the plates block it). It looks like your mid-upper back rounds over a bit. I don't know it might just be the angle. Your lower back stayed solid though.

Deads looked real strong and the pull-throughs were interesting. I've never tried pull-throughs before but might be time to add those in when I get this new program going.


Pitysister 06-26-2008 02:33 PM

do you use either of the grips for front squats from maximum strength?

i tried them both and they feel weird...could not get the bar to rest on my shoulders...

_Wolf_ 06-26-2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 59884)
Those front squats look quite a bit better I would say. Next time you do them post a vid so we can see your mid back (the plates block it). It looks like your mid-upper back rounds over a bit. I don't know it might just be the angle. Your lower back stayed solid though. pretty sure that my upper back does round a bit but thats because i need to support the bar and sometimes just having the chest up doesnt work because its not enough surface area.....i try to consciously stop it from rounding though.


Originally Posted by iron_worker
Deads looked real strong and the pull-throughs were interesting. I've never tried pull-throughs before but might be time to add those in when I get this new program going.

Pull throughs are awesome. thanks for dropping by :)


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 59885)
do you use either of the grips for front squats from maximum strength?

i use the cross grip. the olympic lifting style grip is not possible for me because i lack wrist flexibility and its just plain uncomfortable. the other grip is a lot easier though both suck lol...the cross grip is just the lesser of the two evils :biglaugh:


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 59885)
i tried them both and they feel weird...could not get the bar to rest on my shoulders...

i was like that too. it takes some getting used to and don't be surprised if your delts are sore tomorrow and if they are bruised....mine used to get bruised all the time at the beginning.

Pitysister 06-26-2008 06:39 PM

i think if you got some alligator steroids. you would perform better. :)

_Wolf_ 06-26-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 59893)
i think if you got some alligator steroids. you would perform better. :)

isn't the white shark the strongest animal on this planet? or is it the polar bear? in either case...i need to go to a ZOO vetinarian and get hooked up :biglaugh:

EricT 06-27-2008 09:41 AM

If either grip sucks eggs try some strap handles. It's more important to have a comfortable secure grip than it is to fight with it for months and months. Take some type of straps and tie them onto the bars so that you can grab onto them like handles (close to the bar). The will enable you to keep your elbows up and thus make it easier to keep the chest up, etc....

The biggest problem you are having with the front squats seems to be your relationship with the bar (haha). You know what I aways say...relate to the bar, not the floor. If you relate to the floor you will go DOWN with you whole body. If you want to stay nice and tight with a chest up position it's about relating to the bar, on the descent and ascent. And not going to deep of course which will force you to round out regardless.

_Wolf_ 06-27-2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 59940)
The biggest problem you are having with the front squats seems to be your relationship with the bar (haha). You know what I aways say...relate to the bar, not the floor. If you relate to the floor you will go DOWN with you whole body. If you want to stay nice and tight with a chest up position it's about relating to the bar, on the descent and ascent. And not going to deep of course which will force you to round out regardless.

Ah damnit.....Ok. I hope next week this damn squat falls through. Monday is Front Squat day again....I'm gonna make it happen this time.

_Wolf_ 06-27-2008 02:29 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
The last workout of Phase 1....time to move on to Phase 2 next week...I can't believe a month is already over. Time flies by sometimes..
Workout and Videos:
Started the workout with some Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Presses and Weighted Chin-ups:

Graduated from that into doing Push-ups and Dumbbell Rows...and completed the workout with some abs (side planks).
Overall Impression:
Short workout. Nothing special to report.

Have a good weekend everyone :)

I am going to see Wanted with my girl tonight....I've seen almost all the latest movies...
Iron Man
Indianna Jones
Kung Fu Panda
Get Smart
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Next few movies on my list are:
Walle (I know it sounds gay but I wanna see what it's about)
Hell Boy 2
The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Anyways...back to topic: I hope y'all have a good weekend ahead :)

Pitysister 06-27-2008 02:42 PM

walle looks funny as shit...and so does hancock...batman 2 is going to own.

how did you like get smart? i love steve carrell...but i thought it looked really dumb in the previews.

Andrew.cook 06-30-2008 07:33 AM

So, what exactly is your issue with pressing/upper body work? I've kinda caught on that you have the bad attitude abotu it, but why?

Those reps where your form is off and you are struggling... are those not the reps that force the development of strength to compensate for the hell you are putting your body through? I mean, some adaptation response may be necessary at a lower intensity, but frankly, nothing makes your body WANT to change like getting yourself near killed under a bar. I think you mentioned the fight or flight response, and when you are about to get mashed, that fight response will kick in... even if it is not pretty. Anyway, a hard fought rep is worth more than an easy rep, my friend. In any contest, nobody will remember the easy reps, the reps that went up fast, but they will remember that one pull that took ten seconds of grit and screaming to lock out. There is much more pride in being the guy that doesn't give up and doesn't turn away from that kind of fight. So don't sweat the hard stuff... that is EXACTLY why you picked up the bar to begin with ;)

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