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Darkhorse 04-15-2007 09:21 PM

Super day yesterday weight-wise.

Flat Bench: 300 lbs x 10 sets of 3 reps (new PR) What makes this exercise is the SHORT rest between sets. Only good reason to buy a stop watch IMO. Last week I almost lost track of which set I was on (295 btw), so this week I took five of the 2.5 lb plates and stacked them on one side of the bench. So after 5 sets, I start restacking them back to the other side. Fuck a pen and paper lol.

Everything's been getting +10-15 lbs each week. So great progress leading me up to my max testing week which should show new PR's for the big three.

After that, I'm stepping into unfamiliar territory with a program I haven't ever tried before... Which appears to be a GOOD thing muscle building wise anyways.. :D

_Wolf_ 04-15-2007 11:02 PM

what program would that be?

Darkhorse 04-15-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sentinel (Post 33551)
what program would that be?

One that IA made for me that obviously cannot be made public. :beerchug: Not that any of his programs have an exact description or name IME anyways..

Keep in mind that he keeps a lot of things just for his clients. Then he takes 'said' good stuff and customizes it to fit your exact needs. :)

I've got a lot of experience under my belt, but it's fucking sweet to take some time off from figuring out my next move in the weight room and hand the reins to someone else. Especially Wes. It's seriously been years since I've had this much fun jumping from meso to meso.

LOL, at least you tried!

_Wolf_ 04-15-2007 11:27 PM

nah i didnt mean to pry and i understood u werent gonna divulge that info to anyone. the reason i asked is because i was wondering if u were gonna do a more BB type split or not. guess i should have worded my post better. i was also wondering if he was gonna make u do HIT or something......i wasnt asking specifics....

Darkhorse 04-15-2007 11:32 PM

Nah, I was just fucking with ya!! :D

No HIT for me!! After my strength phase, I'll be increasing the volume fo' sho'!

_Wolf_ 04-15-2007 11:34 PM

^^^ oh ok....see, thats what i was talking about :) im glad things are working out for u sir

Darkhorse 04-16-2007 12:03 AM

Best way I can word what's going on is that I was "stuck" in the same type of thought processes and was really closed-minded about muscle building from an more advanced perspective.

I'll use bench press as an example. In the past, I'd prefer to use 315 for 5 sets of 5 reps. Those reps would obviously be fairly fast in tempo. Now I'm opening up to shredding down to 275 lbs and using more control, elongated negatives, different set/rep schemes, and way faster rest periods. Absolutely nothing that I hadn't already known LOL, but it was something I completely got away from.

Probably just my ego getting in the way of my personal progress, but it took me seeking IA to kinda break me out of the trance so to speak. :D

Another example I'll talk about is the use of isolations. I've been hammering away at most beginner and intermediates for so long that isolations are useless (for them), that I kinda forgot that I could benefit by supplementing my training with them. Just basically using the thought process NOW that someone with a 185 lb bench press shouldn't waste their time/energy with some 35 lb DB flyes when they should focus 100% on increasing their bench. BUT, if you're easily benching over 315, then some 50 lb flyes could definately be added in. :weights:

Other than that, like I said, his programming is way different than anything I'm used to. And I definately see it working. So it's been fun for me to have something a lot different than I'm used to, which keeps motivation to go the extra mile at an all time HIGH.

hrdgain81 04-16-2007 05:52 AM


Flat Bench: 300 lbs x 10 sets of 3 reps (new PR) What makes this exercise is the SHORT rest between sets.
A while back I used a 10x3 to break through some strength deficits on my legs (hack squat to be exact) I like it alot, good change of pace, and you be suprised how many heavy ass sets you can do if your only doing 3 reps at a time. Very nice.

Darkhorse 04-16-2007 04:19 PM

Thanks for stopping by Matt!

Today's ME Squat/Deadlift was good and bad.. The good news is the new PR for low box squats. Also good was that I made it through my front squats (a2g), which I wasn't sure about since I went extremely heavy for A LOT of reps..

The bad part was that after the squats, my blood sugar crashed BIGTIME! I dragged ass to get some pulldown action in, and after set #3 I was completely dead and fighting off bouts of throwing up. Only after I made it home and started sipping on my dextrose did I finally wake the fuck up! Oh well.. Just means I'll torch my lats even harder next time. :D

From now on I may wake up earlier and take in a banana or something preworkout. At least until I hit up trueprotein again and make some more serious purchases.

EricT 04-17-2007 10:26 AM

What did you do preworkout, if anything? Just curious. I have these little crashes sometimes for no discernible reason...I guess it's just something you can't always predict.

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