HIThoppers Training Journal

11-13-2007, 08:25 AM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
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dont get so low. u are progressing and sometimes its the small baby steps that count, sir.
i think u missed the chins because:
1.) chins are a wierd exercise where u may not always be able to nail them
2.) u were tired from the bench and squat
i hope ur next workout is smooth.
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11-13-2007, 02:42 PM
Rank: Middleweight
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Posts: 2,029
dont get so low. u are progressing and sometimes its the small baby steps that count, sir
Im not low mate  just my own harshest critic, my squat form is very important to me lol, I get real pissed when things dont go well form wise, I dont mind missing a rep but get angry when its because of a form breakdown.
Thx for the encouragement, what do you think of the box squat idea?

11-14-2007, 02:10 AM
Rank: Middleweight
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Location: Australia
Posts: 2,029
Light Day today
All went well, squats feelin ok, I was happy with press, I did miss a few reps but considering I did my previous 4rm for 3x5,4,3 I guess I cant complain!! Ill get all 25 reps next week.Deadlifts felt great I ran out of tape on the cam again (2 weeks in a row can you believe that) for my workset so I couldnt get a vid up, but they felt great.
Light Day 14/11/07
Squat 2x5 80kg
Press 3x5,4,3,2 40kg (volume PR)
Deadlift 1x5 126kg
Good workout but it was fucking hot in the shed today, 34 degrees celcius, damn hot.

11-14-2007, 02:19 AM
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Posts: 99
Hey Hops,
I know how important your Squat form is to you. Our form is important to all of us. I constantly have to remind myself to stay back and ballanced before each set (I tend to lean left a little). A not so perfect day is not the end of the world and I don't think you need to switch exercises. PR day was great, wasn't it? Well over 100KG now mate!
If you really want to incorporate box squats, I'd suggest doing them on light day with light weight. Light day is meant to re-inforce technique while allowing recovery, and I see nothing wrong with a few box squats instead. I wouldn't suggest taking the regular squat out.
How's the shoulder? Muscular soreness or something else? Strain?

11-14-2007, 02:39 AM
Rank: Middleweight
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Location: Australia
Posts: 2,029
Great to hear from you mate, shoulder is tender,it feels like it used to before I learnt to pin my shoulders to the bench while benching, like a weird tightness and dull ache, if it hurts at all during bench warmups on Friday I may have to skip bench for this week and see how it goes.I did press today without any pain so it should be ok.
Yes my squat form is everything to me in the gym, it has been such a difficult lift for me to master, in saying that it could be me being to harsh a critic on myself again, because really how comfy is 5x5 at your 6-8rm gonna feel, not very comfy at all I would think!!
Ill definately stick with regular squats for now, Ill only hit the box if all else fails!
Hows the house comin along bro? The missus not givin ya too much trouble I hope!

11-14-2007, 10:16 AM
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Posts: 209
Originally Posted by HIThopper
Light Day today
Good workout but it was fucking hot in the shed today, 34 degrees celcius, damn hot.
My gym is in a shed too Hopper and at the moment it is fucking freezing in there, and as the winter progresses it will get colder.
I love my shed/gym though there is no way in the world id swap it for any gym membership.

11-14-2007, 10:48 AM
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man i must be hella-spoiled then! we have central A/C and heat in the building i train in so it's always a decent temp. personally i have never used the A/C anyway but i dont like training in the cold, makes for creaky joints!!!
baby that shoulder HH, the last thing you want is an injury in that area!
i'm with you HH in that squats are never gonna feel comfy when you're pushing yourself with them. but it's all good cuz that's how ya get the big wheels
You're not afraid of the dark are ya?

11-14-2007, 11:16 AM
Rank: Middleweight
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Location: Australia
Posts: 2,029
I love my shed/gym though there is no way in the world id swap it for any gym membership
Ill 2nd that mate!
man i must be hella-spoiled then! we have central A/C and heat in the building i train in so it's always a decent temp.

11-15-2007, 01:29 AM
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Location: Holland
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by HIThopper
Hows the house comin along bro? The missus not givin ya too much trouble I hope! 
It's coming along, slowly but surely. Zero troubles from the missus; she's been pretty patient. I actually went to the Irish pub here to watch Arsenal - Liverpool only a couple of hours after putting the last box down on moving day. She unpacked some boxes and put stuff where she wanted, I saw the Gunners, we were both happy

11-16-2007, 12:10 AM
Rank: Middleweight
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Location: Australia
Posts: 2,029
Hey guys and gals? (maybe!!)
Performance Day today,all went reasonably well,hit a PR on squats, form was ok toboot! Just gotta keep telling myself to get that back tight and shove my knees out,especially the knees,I gotta get em out dammit! LOL. I was just hitting depth today and I know if I get those knees out just a bit more Ill get a bit deeper.I was previously getting a little deeper but noticed my back was not as tight as it could be.Bench felt strong, I only hit 2 reps but I got to add weight so i was happy, no probs at all from the shoulder.I hit 4 reps on chins, again same as last week. It will be interesting to see how things go on chins from now, with a reduction in Mondays volume.
Performance Day 16/11/07
Squat 1x3 106kg (PR)
Bench 1x2 83.5kg (PR)
Chin 1x4 BW+17.5kg (and a back off set BW 1x5 reps)
I added the back of set on chins for form check and it was fine.
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