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HIThopper 09-14-2009 01:07 PM

ME Squat Day

Pulled conventional today with an orange band.Bands rule on deadlifts.Hit a PR with 162.5kg on the bar, coulda had 165 maybe but left a little in the tank, wasnt feeling great so I took of the belt for a couple singles at 90ish%.Tried front squats next but my wrists hated them so I did Goblet squats, these are awesome, they are staying in until they stall.Finished with abs and a few band curls.Good day all up.

ME Squat Day 14/9/09

Conv Deadlift + Orange Band
1x1 150kg
1x1 162.5kg (PR)
Remove Belt
1x1 145kg
1x1 150kg

Goblet Squats
1x6 30kg
2x8 40kg

Bastard Planks
BW + 20kg 3x30secs

Yellow Band Leg Curls

Kane 09-14-2009 01:30 PM

I'd still be doing goblets if my gym had db's that went past 130lbs. That's the only set back, you run out of resistance quickly.

Pitysister 09-14-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 82226)
DE Bench Day

Worked close grip 3 boards today went ok but just couldnt stay tight for reps.Missed a couple reps cos I came loose, frustrating!! moved to speedy bench next and that went well.Finished with tris and lats, pretty good day all up, lats and upper back were smoked from rack pullups.

DE Bench Day 12/9/09

CG 3 Board
1x2 90kg
1x2 100kg
1x1 107.5kg
1x1 107.5kg

CG 2 Board
2x4 90kg

Speedy Bench (Wider Grips)
8x3 50-55kg

EZ Bar JMs
4x10 25kg

Rack Pullups
4x6 BW+5-10kg
1x8 BW 3 sec static hold each rep

you forgot to PR in this workout. please repeat it.

HIThopper 09-14-2009 01:48 PM


I have never maxed on CG 3 boards SOOOOOOOOO technically its a PR with 107.5kg cos thats the most I ever handled CG. ; )

Kane I use spinlock dumbells so I can get em pretty heavy if I want.Not an exercise I'll load to the gills but def gonna keep it in there for reps.The core work on them is amazing.

Kane 09-14-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 82230)
Kane I use spinlock dumbells so I can get em pretty heavy if I want.Not an exercise I'll load to the gills but def gonna keep it in there for reps.The core work on them is amazing.

I'd load those bad boys right up.

HIThopper 09-14-2009 03:05 PM

I was thinking 3s and 5s on ME day after the main exercise.Maybe a high rep set after too.

HIThopper 09-15-2009 12:01 PM


Pitysister 09-15-2009 12:08 PM

you got below parallel wide were you compared to regular squat stance?

Kane 09-15-2009 12:36 PM

Deads: You're shooting your ass up as soon as you pull, its more like an SDL than a conv. dead. Instead of trying to stand up with the barbell focus on hip extension. Push your ass and hips forward instead of up.

Gobelts: You made it below parallel so I'm going to say that the barbell squats were too heavy. You couldn't make depth because of the weight.

HIThopper 09-15-2009 12:47 PM

I was a few inches in from my normal stance.But not having a bar on my back def has an effect.i will work my stance out wider on these and see how it goes.If I want to squat hella wide I might need to get that bar up higher on my back too.

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