ME Squat Day
So I finally manned up and squatted heavy today,I must admit I have been a little squat shy in recent weeks after missing that 140kg twice.It kinda got in my head and fucked with me.I started with a super wide stance and a high box.I was able to sit way back and get my shins a tad past perpendicular.This hit the hips glutes and hams more than anything I have ever felt in a squat, it was really quite amazing to feel especially on a higher box.I worked up to 140kg super wide and then went back to normal stance.Nailed a few PRs and all up had 6 or so very heavy solid singles.I finished with planks and then a couple sets of SLDL.Smoked in a good way.
ME Squat Day 21/12/09
Wide Stance High Box
1x1 120kg
1x1 130kg
1x1 140kg
Normal Stance High Box
1x1 150kg
1x1 155kg (PR)
Lower Box
1x1 130kg
1x1 140kg
1x1 150kg (PR)
Bastard Planks
2x50 secs BW+20kg
1x8 100kg
1x8 115kg
Heres the squat vid just the normal stance stuff
Maybe not the worlds prettiest lifts but it felt good to not be a dick toucher and get some weight on my back. LOL