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_Wolf_ 01-01-2008 07:27 AM

happy new year :)

HIThopper 01-02-2008 01:18 AM

Light Day

Some bad news, I was warming up for squats today, some light jogging and when I started doing air squats, I felt a tight hard pull in my right Hamstring,groin area.It swelled up a bit and was quite sore.I iced it and rested it for about 4-5 hrs, it felt better so i trained skipping squats and just hitting press and dumbell rows with some ab work.Im at my previous weight PR for press now but this time I did 8x3 with it so Im quite happy there,Rows were easy but felt great. Overall Very dissapointed, I dont need this shit right now.

Light Day 2/1/08
Squat N/A
Press 8x3 43.5kg
Dumbell Row 3x8 25kg (very easy)


HIThopper 01-03-2008 06:23 PM

Hi folks

Performance day today, the hammy is all better I was icing it regularly and by yesterday it was good to go.Had a great day in the gym today,I smoked a nice PR on squats and felt real strong too, if it hadnt been for the hammy issue earlier in the week I would've added weight and did 1 more set but since I didnt want to aggrevate the area I left it be.I did 4 reps with 83.5kg in bench that I had been stuck at 2 reps with for weeks bofore I started doing singles so thats good too.I hit the same 4 reps on chins as last week tho but bar speed was a little better.I moved deadlifts to fridays also but they felt heavy and shitty by the time I got to em,I will think of a better way to load deadlifts and throw some suggestions out there.

Performance Day 4/1/08
Squat 1x1 120kg (PR)
Bench 1x4 83.5kg (new 4rm)
Chin 1x4 BW+20kg
Deadlift 1x2 120kg (ewwwwww!)

I think moving the deadlift from wednesday had a lot to do with how good I felt today,the only problem is I gotta still do them after a real heavy squat!!I got a vid of squats today Ill try get it up here for ya to view.

HIThopper 01-03-2008 07:35 PM

Ok heres the vid

Now I gotta do my wrap up for 2007 so bare with me it might take a while.After xmas last year I ditched the HIT training (Mentzer style) and began reading as much as I could on real world strength training.I bought SS and it was the best $ I ever spent.Here was where I started at last year strength wise.All sets to failure.Add the weight of the bar 8kgs.

Deadlift 102.5kg for 4 reps
Squat 1x3 50kg
Barbell Bench press 52.5kgs 6 reps
Chin BW x 2 or 3

This was after years of S(HIT) training excuse the pun:biglaugh:

I started a new routine on the 4th of January last year and have never looked back since.I set a goal a while back just before starting the Texas Method of new 1rms for each big lift

Squat 300lbs
Bench 225lbs
Chin BW+20kg (45lbs)

Here are my new RMs tested recently
Squat 1x1 128kg (281lbs)
Bench 1x1 103kg (226lbs)
Chin 1x4 BW+20kg (44lbs)

Deadlift 1x1 146.5kg (323lbs) I tested this way back and havent really tested it since.

The weight of the bar is included in these figures although I dont normally included it In my normal journal entries.Simply because I just copy straight out of my logbook and its easier to write whats on the bar and not fuss about adding in bar weight.

Overall I am happy I just missed my Squat goal but I hope to plough well past these figures this year.Thanks for reading!

marv 01-03-2008 11:03 PM

Hey Hopps,
F@#k your looking good on the squats mate, well done.
You made some great gains this year. Keep up the good work.


HIThopper 01-03-2008 11:15 PM


Thanks Marvo comin from a BEAST that means alot bro! :biggthumpup:

Jeffo 01-04-2008 12:21 AM

Hey Hops,

I've said this before mate, you've come a LOOOOONG way this past year. I can remember when we used to talk a year ago, and it's like night and day. You should be proud of the progress you've made. That 300 lb squat will be yours in due time.

Cheers mate,

HIThopper 01-04-2008 01:06 AM

Hey Jeff

If it wasnt for you talkin some sense into me mate I dont know if I would have been able to break out the HIT rut, one thing for sure I know I owe you alot mate. :)

marv 01-04-2008 01:30 AM



Jonson 01-04-2008 10:40 AM

Well done Hopper! you have made great progress in the last year, hope you do the same this year.
Ditching HIT was a very good move for all of us, I decided to give the SS stuff a go after seeing the gains you, Jeff, and B & G (riddick) were making, and I havent looked back, the last year I to have made the best gains I have ever made.
It was Jeff who introduced all us narrow minded HITers to a better way of training, thank you Jeff, we owe you a lot!:)

Good squating hopper, well done on the PR!

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