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HIThopper 03-09-2008 09:59 PM

I dont have the equipment to do extensions!! I got a barbell some dumbells, a smith machine (to chin from only!!) my squat rack and some benches, 1 flat and 1 adjustable!! Thats all, If you can think of a way to do extensions from that I'd love to hear how guys!!

marv 03-09-2008 10:12 PM

Have you tried Queensland weightlifting club for shoes? There was a Aussie guy selling shoes on Ebay also.


Pitysister 03-10-2008 02:47 PM

i'm really liking the romanian hamstrings have really never been sore before...the only time they have was after the first two days of seventh grade track....but never with weights...

and this hams and ass were sore after doing the romanians...good stuff :)

and also...go here:

and do that :)

EricT 03-10-2008 03:01 PM


my hamstrings have really never been sore before
Now that is just WRONG :biglaugh:. That's why I talk about obsessions with certain exercises. Have you had sore quads?

Pitysister 03-10-2008 03:47 PM

haha...i think so......after track... ;)

they were sore the first time i dig a2g squats...:)

EricT 03-11-2008 11:51 AM


dont have the equipment to do extensions!! I got a barbell some dumbells, a smith machine (to chin from only!!) my squat rack and some benches, 1 flat and 1 adjustable!! Thats all, If you can think of a way to do extensions from that I'd love to hear how guys!!
Hello? WHAT? You can do extensions off a bed or the back of a pickup truck :). You can certainly Macguyver something with some benches, a rack (hold the feet under a loaded bar?).

I've done extension in a LOT of different ways. LOL, I've dont them off a STOOL (with a cushion) for the torso my feet under the knee rest of my high/low pulley.

Now I use my bench, the high/low pulley foot rest with the seat on and a couple of kept couch cushions (firm ones) so that it's both comfortable and high enough.

The only caveat is it's best for it to be even. You don't want one hip a bit higher than the other or anything like that.

HIThopper 03-12-2008 09:45 PM

Ok E gonna try that with extensions thx mate :)

"Light Day"

Decided not to squat today and tried my luck with Good mornings,I decided on GMs over RDLs because the movement is kinda similiar in that they hammer the hammys, and also a GM is more like a squat gone wrong than a RDL!! so I figure the carry over might be better??never done em before so Ill up a vid for critique.They felt good, a real deep stretch in the hams,I went light and did sets of 3.Then on to presses.nailed my reps apart from the 2nd set, I fucked up my grip, it was uneven so i couldnt lock out.Some speed deadlifts next and I worked up to a single with 130kg, easy well under my PR but I hevent done any heavy deadlifts in a while.

Light Day 12/3/08
GM 3x3 60kg
Press 3x6 1x5 41kg
Deadlift 6x1 80kg 1x1 130kg

Tired, Hungry.

I get a tad figetty under the bar due to the high bar position, I hate it dont know how any1 can squat that way!!

EricT 03-13-2008 12:41 PM

I don't consider RDL's and GM's that similar. The big problem is lower back absolute strength and strength endurance really need to be on target for GM's as compared to RDL's as with RDL's you can basically think of it as the lever arm being shorter. The weight is closer in to your body. With GM's whatever weight you put on is compounded by the distance out from you center of mass it sits. If you are willing to go light and work up slowly then I'm not going to make a big huge deal out of it. But I wouldn't advise GM"s over RDL's to start because RDL's are a better exercise, imo, with which to learn proper hip extension. You also, should not be worrying about your hams....think about your glutes and using your hips. The hams will be there as a side effect.

But you are putting the apple cart before the horses. You need to think more about total core endurance, imo.

The idea of trying to use an exercise to buffer against what may go wrong makes sense on paper. But in the real world when something goes wrong it can be somewaht a chaotic situation. So in other words you focus on ONE aspect of what could go wrong you fail to prepare for a more general buffering. And that entails having the ENTIRE core as strong as possible to protect IN ALL DIRECTIONS. I would spend my time on that. Use exercises that help ensure that everything will go RIGHT. Whatever that may entail.

I could also add to that that doing something bad to prepare for something bad probably won't be a good idea in the long term, and maybe not even short if you can't control your lower back, or you believe loaded lumbar flexion will protect you against loaded lumbar flexion you must also believe that crashing your car into a brick wall will protect you from that :)

As far as the vid I think your lower back rounded out too much at the bottom. Not the worst I ever saw but it should have remained set. Don't worry about going so low that you can't maintain the back. This should be nothing more that a violent extension of the hips while the core provides support. Do not think in terms of aribitray depth positions becasue guru X says to always go to parallel. The whole point is not to train your back to recover when it moves into flexion. The point is that your back SHOULD NOT move into flexion.

HIThopper 03-15-2008 12:50 AM


The idea of trying to use an exercise to buffer against what may go wrong makes sense on paper. But in the real world when something goes wrong it can be somewaht a chaotic situation. So in other words you focus on ONE aspect of what could go wrong you fail to prepare for a more general buffering. And that entails having the ENTIRE core as strong as possible to protect IN ALL DIRECTIONS. I would spend my time on that. Use exercises that help ensure that everything will go RIGHT. Whatever that may entail.
Great point E, I've "Mcguyvered" way to do some back extensions,I cant get all the way down cos my face hits the floor,but I can do some static holds and things like that.I'll be hitting abs twice per week now too,instead of once.I'll keep GMs I really liked em and I'll work on your suggestions,I tried some pull thrus too and loved them aswell.Any other exercises that you really think I should do? I may have to rotate them thru different days, not sure how to program them in yet, but I'll get there.Cheers mate.

HIThopper 03-15-2008 12:59 AM

Performance day

Yet another 40+ day, we broke the record for consecutive 35+ days in march its been like 13 days straight!!! Anyway had a pretty good day hit my 3x5 on squats but it was tough,Bench felt heavy Im still stalling about 3/4 of the way up,which makes me think my tris need work,also did 5x3 paused speed bench,these felt great really exploding off the chest.I skipped pullups and did some abs and some pull thrus.Good day.

Performance Day
Squats 3x5 106kg
Bench 1x3 85kg (wanted 4)
Pullthrus, abs and some extensions.

Hammys still damn sore.

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