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MusTGeTBiG 05-28-2008 05:57 AM

awsome PR'S brotha,keeep them coming!!

Jeffo 05-28-2008 08:03 AM

Hey Hops,

OK. I guess I'll have to add 8KG to your latest string of sweetness.

TOTAL = 422

Your numbers are getting pretty good mate. Your squat is well over 300 LBS, which was one of your goals a while ago. Congrats on that again. Deadlift is getting closer and closer to the 400 pound mark too. Only about 30 more to go. And your bench will soon pass mine, laughing its way to the rack after three green lights. Your bench press isn't as bad as you make it sound mate. Of course, you're still allowed to hate it as much as I do.

Hmmm, after adding the bar, your total just went up 24KG!! That's a huge overnight gain lol!!

Keep up the good work bro,

MONSTAFACE 05-28-2008 09:13 AM

great work on the PRs

widdoes2504 05-28-2008 09:48 AM

That many PRs that quickly is a result of hard training, diet control and rest. Great job. :)

HIThopper 05-28-2008 10:40 PM


Hmmm, after adding the bar, your total just went up 24KG!! That's a huge overnight gain lol!!
LOL if only it was that easy huh Jeff! Oh and I definatley dont hate benching, I just got stuck for a while there!!


awsome PR'S brotha,keeep them coming!!

great work on the PRs

That many PRs that quickly is a result of hard training, diet control and rest. Great job.
Thanks so much for the kind words guys!! I appreciate it. :)

iron_worker 05-29-2008 08:02 PM

Man we used to have similar lift numbers and now you're starting to blow me away! You're a tough guy to keep up with. Congrats on all your PRs.


HIThopper 05-30-2008 04:33 PM

Hey thanks for the kind words IW I sure am enjoying this heavier stuff! :)

HIThopper 05-30-2008 04:40 PM

DE Squat Day

Man I love Box squatting!! I take my stance real wide and Im trying to get used to sitting back that far, trying to get my shins to at least perpendicular.Its quite hard to do.I did 4 sets at 60kg and decided to go to 62.5kg for the last 6 sets.Speed felt pretty good.I did Bulgarian squats after for 4-5 sets at real low weight this is a tough exercise and it hits the glutes and quads alot.I got some vids for critique and I guess to give you guys a bit of a laugh cos I just couldnt stay balanced!! Some pullbacks and extensions and abs to finish.Man Im sore today.

DE Squat day
Box Squat 4x2 60kg 6x2 62.5kg
Bulgarian Squats 4x8 Bar ,5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg (Ouch The burn People!)
Pullbacks 2x12 80kg
Extensions and abs

HIThopper 05-30-2008 10:57 PM

Heres those Bulgarians :biglaugh:

EricT 05-31-2008 09:46 AM

Looks like you kept your balance quite well. Especially for using a barbell rather than dumbells.

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