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HIThopper 06-06-2008 06:26 PM

Just about 3-4 weeks, taking things real slow keeping the cals pretty high.I try have most of my cals in the 2 meals after i lift.

TALO 06-06-2008 06:32 PM

RIght on, I'm going on two months. It's a very good diet if your looking to drop some bf while maintaining muscle. May even get bigger :)

Only doing carbs post workout ? How often are you doing a recarb ?

HIThopper 06-06-2008 11:44 PM

I Usually recarb after fridays workout and all day saturday.Those are the 2 days my training volume is a bit higher too.Seems to be working, slowly tho I've lost about 1/2" off the belly so far.Im not really dieting per se just trying not to get any fatter!!!

I been reading your journal too, how do you like cutting carbs ? I HATE it, I love my carbs, not a huge fan of fats tho.

HIThopper 06-07-2008 04:03 PM

DE Bench Day

Sluggish Day today,not much sleep and not enough good food I think.Speed was ok but not great on bench,I also changed a few exercises for another 4 week run.Ill be doing some JM Presses and extensions on saturdays for tris,I'll keep the dumbell rows tho,I love em! So anyways I forgot to do Presses after DE bench!! I went straight to tri work and then did some pressing.Needless to say my press poundages suffered a bit.I upped the weight on rows but dropped the reps a bit,in coming weeks I'll add reps and sets.

DE Bench Day 7/6/08
Bench 8x3 50kg
JM Press 3x6 50kg
Extensions 3x10 40kg
Press 3x5 40kg
Dumbell rows 3x8 32.5kg

Everything was pretty easy today.

TALO 06-07-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 58325)
I been reading your journal too, how do you like cutting carbs ? I HATE it, I love my carbs, not a huge fan of fats tho.

I never was a fan of carbs. (I only ate them because that's how I thought I should eat - LOW FAT , HIGH PROTEIN , HIGH CARB).
So it has been great. Energy levels are alot better. No more blood sugar or insulin spikes and therefore no crashes.I get a good 8-10hrs sleep and I'm good to go.
I do look forward to eating rice cakes and pineapple after my workouts ( every other day ) and I always have pizza ( atleast once every two weeks ) that's as far as my cravings go.

Good luck with this and keep it going - the longer you do it the easier it gets and it wont seem like dieting anymore , just a way of life.

oh, there is low carb beer :)

HIThopper 06-07-2008 06:02 PM

Yeah we have a couple tasty low carb beers over here now too, although they are pretty new, they taste good.

One good thing about lowered carbs is better energy levels.I always feel great with a breakfast of high protein, small amount of carbs and some good fats.Sugary milky coffee like lattes are my biggest cravings, that and good old vegemite on my toast :)

Pitysister 06-07-2008 06:25 PM

i have not gone to the extent as you guys...but i've cut out alot of carbs...and i have no problems with's kinda nice...and i love eating's so much easier than chewing on dry ass bread or pasta...:) couple tablespoons of peanut butter and olive oil here and there...adds up quick :)

HIThopper 06-08-2008 08:42 PM

ME Squat Day

I worked out early morning today which is unusual for me.I worked some heavy doubles for squats,I took my previous 1rm and did 3 doubles with it!! Not bad! I wanted 4x2 but on my last set I just made the 1st rep and didnt want to put up a shitty second so I waited a few mins and blasted the last rep out.Quality first right E :)Then moved on to GMs, Im starting to see why you hate these Anuj!! tough exercise to nail the form down.I am going to go back to RDLs for my heavy assistence exercise and do GMs on DE day for high reps.I just cant get them down at a relatively heavy weight.Finished of with 3 sets of pullthrus and ab cable crunches.Hungry now and the wifes been baking all sorts of good stuff all morning :th_th7_12_6:

ME Squat day 9/6/08
Squat 3x2 125kg 2x1 125kg
GMs 4x3 60kg,70kg,80kg,70kg
Pullthrus 3x10 90kg

marv 06-09-2008 03:27 AM

Doubles with your previous 1rm. Good work Hopper.

widdoes2504 06-09-2008 04:53 AM

Great work Hopper.

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