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iron_worker 07-15-2008 06:17 AM

You're just pounding through PRs. Thats awesome man. I can't keep up. Time to switch to WestSide!


HIThopper 07-16-2008 03:27 AM


Time to switch to WestSide!

Great idea :)

HIThopper 07-16-2008 03:36 AM

ME Bench Day

I maxed on decline again today and was quite happy with the results I hit a 105kg single for a PR.I was surprised cos I didnt sleep more than an hour the night before.Did some Incline hammer grip presses next to smoke the tris and finished off with chins and bent laterals.Good day.

ME Bench Day 16/7/08
Decline 1x1 95kg, 103.5kg, 105kg (PR), 1x1 100kg
Incline Dumbell HG 3x6 22.5kg
Chins 3x3 BW+ 22.5kg, 1x7 BW+5kg
Bent Laterals

iron_worker 07-16-2008 06:10 AM

Just a little question about your WS program. On your ME days do you do any volume work after the high intensity work or just leave it at that?

Keep up the sweet work mang,


HIThopper 07-16-2008 10:36 PM

I do No volume work for the same lift.I generally do some volume type work for my supplementary lift, a lift that sort of targets a weak point.Say tris for bench or hams for squat/deadlift.I def need more low back work mine is weak.Not saying you cant do more volume for the main lift but I dont, other people do.

iron_worker 07-17-2008 09:54 AM

Alright, good to know. Thanks man.


HIThopper 07-18-2008 03:40 PM

GPP 15/7/08

Forgot to post thursdays GPP Session.Dragged the sled in grass for 13 mins with 35kg.Did various types of pulls.Found that if I have the chain between my legs and lean forward its is the most painful way to pull and it hammers the hams.Did some planks and other static ab work too.

HIThopper 07-19-2008 10:56 PM

DE Squat Day

Speed was good today, had good bar path and good form.I love the wide stance stuff,Did some deadlifts after, mostly for speed but my form needs work again, I just lose the groove for deadlifting not doing it weekly:arg: Finished off with some wide stance GMs and some extensions and abs.

DE Squat day 18/7/08
Box Squats @55% 11x2 70kg
Deadlifts Various Singles up to 100kg
GMs 1x10 40kg
Abs and extensions 4 sets

HIThopper 07-22-2008 03:04 AM

AM DE Bench day

Speed was ok today, I had a good groove, Im def faster and stronger with a close grip, weird, anyone else find this? Anyway moved to some rows and dumbell military press supersets.These were great I rested my head on a bench for the rows to eliminate cheating, worked well.Finished off with JM Presses supersetted with some Facepulls.

DE Bench Day 19/7/08
Bench 3 Grips @ 60% 9x3 60kg
1 Arm Dumbell Press 3x5 22.5kg
Rows 3x6 50kg
JM Press 3x10 20kg
Facepulls 3x12 40kg

JM Presses are hard when you do em properly!!

PM GPP Dargged sled in grass for 13 min with 35kg, used various grips etc.Felt great after.

HIThopper 07-22-2008 03:10 AM

ME Squat day

Didnt sleep more than a few hours night before, felt shit all day.Couldnt find a good groove on box squats tonight, stance was a bit narrow and had me falling forward not keeping the chest up.Still hit a PR but the box was about a half inch higher than last week putting me at least to parallel, maybe just below.Moved to RDLs next these were good, I got loads of strength there just a lame grip!!Did some high rep pullthrus to finish these toasted me and I felt sick and skipped abs.Need me some sleep.

ME Squat Day 21/7/08
Box Squat 1x1 130kg, 135kg, 142.5kg (PR) 5x1 130kg
RDL 4x5 95kg
Pullthrus Wide stance 3x15 90kg

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